A very strange dog transport tomorrow

Not a dog in fact but a young male Faune. This is to be paid for by Phoenix as part of their thanks to their vet with whom they have special rates, and one of their ladies has a hobby of doubtful legality in rescuing wildlife and sending it to recognised sanctuaries.

When I did the first transport many years ago it was of 2 renardaux (baby foxes) and I knew nothing of the fact, told to me by our vet later when on hearing of my trip when he pursed his lips and made a silent gesture of handcuffed wrists. :astonished:

After that there were many more, maccasins (baby wild boars) many foxes and a crow with a broken wing, but since learning of the risks if stopped I always insisted on a written authority from the centre concerned.

So, tomorrow a baby deer, from near Mussidan (24) to J.25 of the A89 (I’m getting familiar with this route, at least 2 Dobermanns this year so far) near Clermont Ferrand to meet a volunteer from Savoie.

There will be photos if possible, but the fact that he is to be loaded already in a small carrier and passed on that way at the rdv, may make that impossible or of doubtful quality.

Fran will be my co-driver but the 2 dogs will be dropped off at Sharon’s pension on the way for the day. Can’t have Jules sensing prey behind the cover and treating us to continuous howling all the way. Not to mention the stress on the poor baby who might anyway have a heart attack if too alarmed.

I wonder if he likes classical music. :thinking: :smiley:


I wonder why that far? There is a wild animal sanctuary in Tonneins on the Garonne - 1Âœ hours away. it’s even called: Centre de soins de la faune sauvage de Tonneins"

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Here’s your afternoon playlist


Looks like you risk a fine of 7500€ and 6 months in prison

It maybe considered as poaching too

These are the relevant parts:-

II - POUR LES PARTICULIERS (transport d’animaux vivants rĂ©alisĂ© en dehors de toute activitĂ© Ă©conomique) :

> L’autorisation de transport et le certificat de compĂ©tence pour conduire ou convoyer des animaux vivants ne sont pas requis. Pour autant la notion de bien ĂȘtre animal doit ĂȘtre respectĂ©e.


- les animaux doivent ĂȘtre aptes au voyage (interdiction de transporter des animaux blessĂ©s, malades, en fin de gestation ou de moins de 8 jours) ;
- le vĂ©hicule doit ĂȘtre conçu et amĂ©nagĂ© de telle sorte que les animaux y disposent d’un espace et d’une aĂ©ration suffisants. Toutes les dispositions doivent ĂȘtre prises afin d’éviter tous risques de blessures ou de souffrances ;
- les temps de trajet doivent ĂȘtre rĂ©duit au maximum avec des temps de pose permettant le repos, l’abreuvement et/ou l’alimentation des animaux.

I do have the printed authorisations now from both the correctly accredited centre near Chambery and from Phoenix, so belt and braces covered. The young animal was found wandering but I assume not injured (because it must have been healthy to have been castrated to allow it to be integrated into the herd) on a main road by a founder of Phoenix so not poached and, as far as the centre that @SuePJ mentioned, I have no idea apart from the fact that perhaps they had no room or the one he is going to is a specialist with a large herd in place.

Reading that link though does give me some shivers because, in my innocence all those years ago with the first little foxes to Normandie. I had no idea what I was risking.

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All went well apart from delays at both Sharon’s and the collection point where I had to dis-assemble my cage in order to make room for the large crate he was loaded in. This made me 10 minutes late for the rdv, not much but I am a martyr to punctuality and it doesn’t sit right with me.

Very nice couple at the rdv and all done and dusted in 10 minutes.

Got back just in time to collect Jules and Opie who were extremely excited to see me. Funny thing is, that didn’t really please me because I feel so guilty about abandonning them for a week there very soon. We have always taken our dogs on holiday with us in the past.

Next booking is a big Dobie girl from Amiens (not the one from Cambrai, she has gone into a foster home) on my way back from England on July the 2nd. With a caravan along I may well have another stop en route to go direct to collect the dogs and Fran on the Monday instead of a night at home with Stella. :grinning:

Forgot to mention that we didn’t have music on the way out, he was quiet and I would have used it if he was not, but on the way back the album of the day was Don Williams. A great favourite of mind but I found out from this that not all of it was to my taste, he drifted from Country into Jazz and Ballad, sometimes duetting with others. But the last track was worth the wait. ‘You’re My Best friend’. It was recorded at a live show and he must have seen the audience miming accurately to his lyrics because he finally said ‘you now, let me hear you’ and he allowed them to burst into song alone in complete harmony with each other. It was very moving and he just had one comment at the end ‘fantastic’. BTW I forebore joining in with the singing, to Fran’s delight, restricting myself to a little light whistled accompaniment. :rofl:


As I predicted there would be little opportunity to get any useful photos of the fawn. So just these:


I think the top one is a hand đŸ«ČđŸ»

Yes, and not mine, :grinning: