Ads on the site?

Since when guys???

Been away for a week or so and just popped back to see what is what - and what is what is adverts!!!

Since when did that happen? They take up half my screen!!!

Yes I am logged in, and I contribute to the coffers each month…


I use an ad blocker.

There was a recent thread about this subject and @james had sorted the problem. But using an ad blocker is easier!

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Used an ad blocker a long while back but there are ‘things’ I use my laptop for that ad blockers would just screw up.

My beef is that, for the years I have been on this forum I have not been plagued by ads - and now it has started.

My question is - is this the new norm or is there a glitch in the matrix?

PS - Where is this thread you talk about?

Think it’s this one…

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It’s a free forum, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t cost anything to run.

I hardly notice the ads. Ad blockers are a double-edged sword.


It isn’t as bad as YTube these days, and I manage to ignore tham without getting bothered. The ones that most annoy me are the ones that offer you a way to avoid them.

I don’t mind the ads at all. They seemed to disappear for me for quite a while. The only thing that upsets me a little is that the ads have now predominantly changed from scantily clad ladies to chair yoga for the elderly :sob:


As long as you’re still getting the emails from young Russian ladies

Sounds better than the mascara for people with scant eyelashes and the ones for incontinence knickers which I get every time I glance at Facebook…

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The scantily clad ladies are back today. Obviously, all that chair yoga has made the difference :smile: