Is it getting difficult to buy ordinary sheet glass - the kind you cut with a diamond or a wheel - in France? I ask because I'm trying to source the stuff on-line using, for some forthcoming repairs to an old fashioned attic window - and it's proving rather difficult.
I've had this runaround in the UK recently, trying to get a small sheet of ordinary glass for a broken greenhouse window - apparently, glass is now deemed too dangerousin the UK for ordinary mortals to get their mitts on, so only professionals can obtain and fit it (at huge expense) or you have to order pre-sized safety glass (at huge expense). A local firm wanted £50 to come out and fit a 12" square piece of 4mm glass that would have cost a fiver. I wound up going under the rader and swapping some MIG-welding for an offcut - and even then I was sworn to secrecy.
Jeepers! I've been messing about cutting glass pieces from sheet since Pontious Pilate was still in flying school. Each time I nicked myself I put on a band-aid (unaided) to stop the leak (I didn't go to casualty, either) and got back on with the job like a real grown-up. It's not exactly stuntman grade work - or is it nowadays???
Hmmmm - is it worth smuggling the stuff? ![:48:](upload://6dBFux5IbRdTbFB2Pwcb790tBI8.gif)
Can anyone pleeeeease suggest somewhere near St Lo/Villedieu-les-Poêles/Coutances where I can buy 4mm glass sheet for home cutting????
Bob, ordinary glass in the EU cannot be used below 1100mm from the floor and it not advised these days for green houses for safety reasons. Glass below 1100 mm should be safety glass, laminated or toughened to lessen the chance of serious injury. Green house are now more commonly glazed with acrylic or polycarbonate so yes the companies would not want to sell you a piece they know you are going to be using against the regulations for obvious reasons.
When you buy a piece in france you'll think you are paying for safety glass though and glass for poeles if it's not off the shelf may reduce you to tears.
Maybe where you are in the UK it is tricky but other areas there are plenty of glass merchants in the local telephone directories, probably the same in France.
you can go into most bricos and ask for glass cut to the dimension you want to fit yourself - it's not on display you have to go to the little desk for wood/glass cutting. Either cutting one sheet to size that you can cut into smaller pieces as needed or cut to the exact size you need to fit
HI Corona, I have just installed a new entrance door with side panels, they are fully glazed. On deglazing in order to install the frame I noticed that the units are not safety glass. The supplier is telling me that in France it is not a requirement for domestic properties. Your input would be greatly appreciated . If you would like to email me I could send a photo.
Regards Bill Brett
It seems so, whilst personally I wouldnt install in areas where its deemed in the UK (FENSA) to be potentially dangerous position the EU ISO regs overlook it. If I were worried, I would fit safety film to any panels in an area of concern. Bonus is being able to reduce heat gain if required with various films being available from UV stop to tints, built in safety as well with certain grades and a DIY job.
What do they make of a gite?
When the law came out in England a little kiddy was fatally injured about 1/2 a mile down the road from where I lived, always stuck in my mind now.
I dont know if this applies to a gite, in germany if there is public foot folk then it does. To be on the safe side then I would fit safety film on the glass.
I have first hand experience of the dangers of non-safety glass. Many moons ago, I was standing outside my parent’s house talking to friends and I turned to go back indoors when their glass front door started to shut in the wind. I put out my hands to stop the door and went straight through the glass. I was lucky, it could have been a lot worse. Friends drove me to A&E and I finished up with stitches in one arm.
My father had the door repaired and fitted with the glass that has wire mesh running through it.