Hi all we have a house in the Averyon and are considering moving over permanently in the next few months. As we are early retirees 58 & 56 we will need a carte Vitale to access the french healthcare system. I am told that we have two options. Either become an AE or pay a monthly fee based on your private pension - can anyone offer any advice on this confusing subject?
On my way to becoming a Healthcare Cover expert for expats :)
Just closed 2 requests for similar requirements.
Depending on your exact situation there are different possible options.
I'd be delighted to assist. May I invite you to check out my website: www.thetranslationconnexion.com ?
You can also email me at ksevoz@translationconnexion.com or call on 0033 673 568 120
Hi Gillian
Thanks for your reply - this is invaluable information for us. In other words, we have to confirm exit from the UK Healthcare system via DWP and then apply locally to our CPAM or via Nimes. Let's keep in touch if we can - many thanks - Austyn
Hi Austin, my husband and I are aged 54 and 55 and are early retirees also. I can only tell you our experience but if you look up discussions on my name you will find a huge amount of information from other contributors to my enquiry on the same subject. As I understand it, if you were to be employed here in France you would get your CV and pay contributions from earnings (much as you would in the UK, paying NI contributions). If you become an AE you pay a monthly fee based on turnover (not profit). I believe I saw something recently that said the French are planning to revise the AE status so you'd need to research that point. In our case we don't want to do either of those things as we came here to retire. We each have a small pension so we are able to support ourselves. It is possible to apply for your CV from the CPAM. We found the only option available was an application for CMU(B). It takes ages and you will have to provide an enormous amount of information on income, tax, birth, marriage etc probably over the past 3 years and you will need to obtain a letter from the DWP in Newcastle confirming you have exited the UK healthcare system. You would submit the application at your local CPAM office and with some luck (or you could try asking them) they will refer your application to the specialist office in NIMES. The cost for your CV in this system will be 8% of household income over a minimum threshold (circa 9k pa). Once you get that sorted out, you will need to investigate the 'top-up' insurance. I can't help with that as we are not quite there yet. In our case, we have had confirmation of our rights to affiliation into the scheme but the start date was retrospective and we have raised a query on that to which we await a response. Once this glitch is sorted out we expect to get our CV and then we start the search for the 'top-up' insurance. I hope this helps.
yep, just opposite the mairie and school, he's a nice bloke, got horses, helped my OH when she had a problem (horses), we're lucky we've got pretty much all the essentials in the village. We work in Carmaux so have all the rest there.
Hi Andrew
Thanks for the info - I hear that you have a good butcher in Mirandol?
You may find this information from the French Property News Letter informative:
not far away from us then (Mirandol/Carmaux). Not up to speed with the latest autoentrepreneur changes - I was an ae from the start (2009) but changed regimes in 2012 and a lot seems to have changed since. Best bet is to contact the CCI in Rodez if you need help, if not go down the internet registration route and try and chose something that doesn't need courses and registration (chambre de métiers) if that's still possible! I'm sure someone here's gone through the registration process recently - try posting in the auto entrepreneur group ;-)
Hi Andrew
Thanks for the reply. I am in between Najac and La Fouillade.The only problem with the AE route is that my french is not brilliant and certainly not up to a week's course! - Do you know if it is interactive or can you just sit there like a lemon and obtain your certifcate at the end of it?
Becoming an auto entrepreneur, or going into business under any regime, will get you into the system but auto entrepreneur is the only regime where you don't pay if you don't earn, you also pay far less than the mainstream regime - (I pay nearly 50%...!). You may need to register with the chambre de métiers and/or go on training courses to qualify/register as an autoentrerpreneur depending on what business you are offereing. Not all are possible under the regime either.
I can't comment on the other routes/how much you have to pay until you reach retirement age but I'm sure others here can't advise on that.
Where are you in the Aveyron?