Age is only a number - (or is it?) Ongoing

Yep - avoid this at all costs - it’s NOT cheap because it’s not good for you.
Best to buy as much as possible local food from local markets - bio/organic if you can afford it, direct from growers if you can find it, home-grown if you can plant it!


I make my own mayonnaise to avoid rapeseed and other engineered vegetable oils. Also my own sauerkraut to avoid the pasteurised industrial versions.
Kefir and probiotic yoghurts to again avoid the pasteurised versions and most recently peanut butter to avoid palm oils.

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How do you make mayonnaise without oil? :thinking:

Ah you don’t but you do use a healthy oil, I use light olive oil.

Even olive oil has it’s critics over the amount of water used on large scale olive plantations.

You can use aquafaba or silken tofu….

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Hurrying away to search Google now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grin:

I think we need to take a cue from Douglas Adams, and breed an animal that can clearly state that it wishes to be eaten.

In a restaurant recently they made meringues from aquafaba.
Point is olive oil is heart healthy and has a lot of omega 3.

Can do all sorts with aquafaba….and if you whizz it up it makes your hummus nice and light.

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Done that one :heart_eyes:

This caught my eye today - and it’s true… we always think we can do ‘it’ later.
Maybe not?

The day just started and… it’s already six o’clock in the evening.

Monday and it’s Friday already… and the month is already over… and the year is almost over

… and already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed.

… and we realize we lost our parents, friends.

and you realize it’s too late to turn back…

So… In spite of everything, let’s try to make the most of the time we have left…

Let’s keep trying to have activities that please us…

Let’s put some color in our gray…

Let’s smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.

And in spite of everything, we must continue to enjoy with serenity the time we have left. Let’s try to eliminate the “after”…

I’m doing it after… I will tell you later… I’ll think about it later…

We leave everything for later as if “after” was ours.

Because what is not understood is that:

after, the coffee is cold…

afterwards, the priorities change …

after, the charm is broken…

after, health passes…

after, the kids grow up…

after, the parents get older…

after, promises are forgotten…

After Day Becomes Night …

after , life ends …

And then it’s often too late… So… Let’s not leave anything for later…

Because still waiting for later, we can lose the best moments…

the best experiences ever… best friends… the best family ever…

Today is the day… The moment is now…

We are no longer at the age where we can afford to postpone to tomorrow what needs to be done right now.

Jacques Prevert



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Jean-Jacques Savin at 75 years of age… what a life he’s had.


I’d love to see these “youngsters” in July…

25 years ago these guys made me feel like it was OK to keep rocking when you’re not young any more.

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