Alcohol support

I may not be alone in observing an alarming amount of drink dependence among those who have relocated to France.

I know of many relationships that have split, and many whose drinking problem only really became serious once in France. It also seems that denial is equally as plentiful as cheap wine.

Does anyone know of any support groups here in France, particularly for English speakers? Please no lectures on how my friends should be speaking French because we're in France. It's way beyond that for some of them.

Any ideas greatly appreciated,.

I was sure I'd already posted this but can't find it. So here it is again.

You will find this link on the Useful Links/Get Help page where there are links to several other suppoort groups, including SOS Help.

HI David,

There are a few English speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous around the South West of France .

The Nearest to Bergerac is probably Périgueux, where there are meetings every Monday and Wednesday and possibly Monflanquin where there is a meeting every Tuesday.

Alcoholism is quite wide spread around the world I'm afraid and there are many for whom drinking has become less of a pleasure and more of a problem than they would have wished. It's the families and friends who suffer first because as you say, the denial of the problem usually keeps the alcoholic trundling on their path of self destruction.

You will find telephone numbers and email address on the site so please feel free to ask for help and advice in confidence.

It's helped me to stay sober for many years, and I love it. Life's never been so good.

Best wishes

Ewen A.

You will find my number on the site but here it is if you wish to have a word first my number is 05 53 05 76 62. I have a system which will interrupt incoming phone calls with hidden numbers so if you wish to hide your number, or you use skpe or some other anonymiser, just follow the instruction on the phone and ask for me and you'll be put through - if I'm not in the garden

I would be extremely interested in any information relating to this and particularly support for those who are struggling AFTER giving up.

Our daughter has just had her 4th Detox and is now extremely unwell. She knows any more Alcahol will kill her but it does not make it any easier for her to cope. She is coming to live with us in France in the hope that she will regain enough strength and cognitive ability to start her life again but until then counselling or support groups in our area (29) Brittany would be so helpful. I am also interested in knowing if any medical bills relating to this are going to be covered.

I don't want to Hijack Davids post but it is hopefully the next step for those who actually manage to give up.

Hi Peter
Have added you as a friend to send a message, it is an area I would like work in .
To provide counselling support

Perhaps doctors in all areas could help to arrange support meetings.

It would save a lot of illness and provide hope for those who have

the need to drink alcohol to ease their torment or to find confidence.

It would be possible to suggest this to your doctors....where ever you are.

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It is not myself that started this thread, but my brother, who would present an interesting challenge for you is near St. Alvere. - To the East of Bergerac.

Please message me privately if you feel you might be able to offer some support?

Hi, I am currently in my final year of training to become a counsellor and am looking to practice in France. I have heard that there is very little or no support for English. Which are are you in?


Very sad because I have come across a few British people here who seem

dependant upon alcohol and it destroys relationships as well as leading to bad health.

I have the opposite problem!

I am alcohol intolerant...even a sip would set off a migraine attack which would last for

days and I cut out my moderate consumption to almost never a sip,

But I believe that a little red wine is a very good idea.

thank you

Just made a G search and found this: I have not gone through it in details but it is for English speaking people living in France.

Hope this helps,
