Allergic reaction to harvest mite / aoûtat bites

I am very allergic to all bites and have had to go to A&E before now but this year has been something else. I have just acquired a tube of Savlon as my mum always swore by and it does seem to be alleviating the itching. I tried Germolene but it didn’t do anything whereas my brother says it works perfectly for him. So clearly a case of trial and error. Very frustrating!

Hopefully the biting season is coming to an end

I’m off to buy some Citirizine, thank you letsmile. A bit headachy too. How can one so small insect have such an effect?!

At least I am reading that there may now, finally, be a cure/preventative for malaria. So, that’s at least one small battle won.

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Thank you, Cat. I too believe there is nothing Savlon cannot fix and at your suggestion am finding some instant relief 🫠

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I got a bad sting on my upper arm in the Uk last month, my prescription antihistamines didn’t touch it neither did steroid cream I ended up in Urgent Care and got prescribed antibiotics and different antihistamine

If cetirizine doesn’t work for you, perhaps you should try chlorphenamine. I’m very allergic to insect bites and the more common antihistamines don’t work for me. However, good oldfashioned make-you-drowsy stuff has worked every time so far. Piriton not Piriteze (or equivalents - Boots do one)

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Piriton was what the Dr prescribed me ,as she put it “basic but does the job “

Yikes! Lizzie and Angela, thank you for the advice.

The chemist I saw today said the same, gave me some alcohol to soak on it and said that if not improved I should see the MT tomorrow because it is already 3 days and may be infected. :confounded:

In UK I had horsefly bites resulting in courses of antibiotics twice in one year. The GO told me to absolutely avoid doing what I had been because there would be no more antibiotics for me within 12 months. I am clearly a medical liability