Another disgusting Tory MP

You’re not a Freemason, are you, @JohnBoy :rofl: but you’ve triggered the memory that the last French man who shook my hand was.

I don’t think of myself as particularly tactile, but I’ve grown used to la bise, to the point where I miss it if it doesn’t happen, though I’m less comfortable with men doing it (which is rare). I almost invariably follow the lead of the other person.

I have enjoyed watching Une nouvelle maison pour une nouvelle vie (Stéphane Plaza’s latest) partly to work out why, for some people, it is very definitely “handshake not bise”. Sometimes it’s based on the sex of those involved, but by no means always.

COVID has given all of us a good excuse to stick to handshakes :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s socially less dodgy if you are a woman touching a man as it is for many things, but they tend to stick to shoulder or upper arm or sometimes a hug or a shoulder blade pat - the other way around, you should definitely stick to shoulder or outer upper arm only, if you touch anything at all.

That’s the Guardian joining the gutter press association, if he is charged and found guilty i would hope they chuck the book at him and lock him up, but under British law you are innocent until proven guilty and that is just easy journalism tarring everyone with the same brush.
It’s got to the point I mostly don’t read articles until they are either charged or it goes to trial as most of them are just done to sell the paper and are just sensationalism.

100% agree, there have been cases where guilt has been disproved. I even feel uncomfortable with the title of this thread.
Witch hunts are called witch hunts for a very good reason.

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Disgusting might be a bit strong, I agree (though he is a Tory) but he has a bit of a chequered past let’s face it including being a previously self-confessed drug user, introduced a bill in 2011 to remove any right the homeless had as squatters and defending a convicted sex offender in 2019.

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I think the thread refers to the willy waving Rt. Hon Bone, who has been found guilty David. We’ll have to wait a while for the verdict on the latest allegations against Crispy. But, in defense of Marina @Griffin36 I think she’s just lamenting the high instance of proven sexual predators (many who were already known as such) that prowl around Westminster.

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I started this topic before the Crispin Blunt story and the disgusting MP referenced is Peter Bone.

I have deliberately not respinded to comments about Blunt because he has only been arrested and questioned. In fact, I believe he referred himself to the police with an allegation of extortion. I have no doubt there is more to come on that one.

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Yes, Harry, I did forget that but nevertheless this is what I wrote about him:

When I first heard this a few days ago the sexual allegations were far more explicit and far more disgusting. No mention of that now, I wonder where that has gone.

and so far nobody has explained the point, which made me wonder if it was an exageration for effect and therefore other aspects of it might be too.
Not sure if a parliamentary committee has the same standing as a court of law however, if it did then the man would be in gaol, not merely deprived of the whip.

Thus, when it comes to Blunt, I would prefer to await judgement on evidence

I too have been accused of things I haven’t done in the past, not sexual I should emphasise, and have been most aggrieved when some rushed to judgement before hearing the full story. So I am especially cautious in such cases.