ANTS - Change of Name to France Titres

ANTS is being renamed to France Titres

Nothing has changed with regard to how the site works, only the name, so we go from ANTS to FT … ! :grin:

On the website of France Titres - Agence nationale des titres secures, you can already:

  • renew your identity card or passport;
  • register for the driver’s license test;
  • change the address on your identity card or passport;
  • request the production of your driver’s license;
  • change the address on your vehicle’s registration certificate;
  • register a vehicle for the first time in France;
  • etc.

Démarches administratives -L’ANTS, qui vous accompagne pour l’obtention de vos documents d’identité, devient France Titres |


Thanks, Kim - that’s very useful to know.

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