Anybody here with Yorkshire Bank /Virgin Money?

I booked a transfer of funds from my Yorkshire Bank this morning for Euros to arrive in my French one. I have to transfer the money within 24 hours but the sign in process stops each time, or at least times out. It was for £1,000 as I am only allowed to transfer that amount each day and had planned to do so for the next 5 days.

Help and Contact Us is useless, anybody else had a problem? I have good internet access so it isn’t that.

Did you try 999 pounds?

I think you must have misunderstood me. I booked the transfer with TorFX and then went to Yorkshire to transfer the money to them. It was my YB account I couldn’t get into. So never got as far as doing anything at all there.
TorFX say I can do it with my debit card online tomorrow witn the security of a code from YB in a text.

Still a mystery why YB are playing up this way though. I spent 10 minutes on the phone to get the answer to my call from their helpline and then was heading the same way again when they transferred me to another line to wait again. At that point I gave up.

Finally got through 15 minutes ago and the money has been transferred, subject to a further reply from the chap at TorFX this morning I might decide on a different way to go in future, but I still need to get into my account now and again in order to check the balance and make sure of no illegal activity, a practice I began after my email address was hacked last year.

More problems. After I wrote the above I tried as suggested by TorFX to transfer the money using my debit card instead of a bank transfer online. It failed, and the reason is that my name on my card does not conform exactly to my official name as in my passport, and their systems won’t accept the variations.

My initials are R D, the latter being the name I have been known as since before birth (David) including all banking and other official institutions. Except TorFX. They suggest I use RD on the form which they will accept but sometimes such a subterfuge will not be accepted by some other place that it passes through. So I will only use transfers in future.

Tried again today and my UK bank cocked it up again, 4 times. So I have made a contract with TorFX but can’t for the moment send them the money. So I then thought to do it again trying the subterfuge with the debit card but then it occurred to me that that will be an extra transfer and I would have to pay twice, ok but what if it fails at the last hurdle for the 2nd payment?

What a total pain and all my poor Mum’s fault, why didn’t she just tell everyone to use my first name all those years ago. It gets more complicated. I have a credit card with Lloyds but for some reason, lost in the mists of time, my initials there are reversed to D R. :astonished: :roll_eyes: :rage:

Well at least the rate’s gone up in the meantime! Revolut just hit 1.1680 a few moments ago just as I was reading your post!

I set that alert a few months ago I think.

PS when using debit cards for deposits I think the address for the account to be deposited has to be the same as the debit card - I don’t think that’s your problem though?

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No, I am using a UK debit card to deposit money into a French account. My problem is that both Yorkshire Bank and La Banque Postale know me as D, but my passport alone knows me as R D.

Never had this problem in the past with Worldwide but sadly, due to Brexit, they now need a Partner to transfer to foreign residents and that partner demanded more of me than I could give (a readable photo of my passport with me, full face, holding it) :roll_eyes:

Can you change your prenoms by deed pole in UK, if so might be an idea before my next passport change in 2025, but knowing my luck that might complicate things further. :slightly_frowning_face:

I’m a bit confused now - I thought you were depositing in the TorFX trading account!

Sounds like your exchanging using Yorkshire bank to send euro’s to the france post office account? Wouldn’t that be a worse rate.

I’m sure people can change their names - maybe even the fist name without deeds - maybe you can ask the passport people.

Or get someone to take your picture!

Yes from Yorks Bank to La Poste bank, but not direct, otherwise I wouldn’t need TorFX as the middle man. But TorFX can’t accept a payment from my UK debit card because it has a different name on it to my passport.

As far as the picture was concerned I did. But getting my face and the passport so that it is readable, was beyond ur capabilities.

I know you can change surnames but wasn’t sure about forenames. I was only half joking anyway, too old to be mucking about with all that official, and possibly complicated and slow, nonsense.

No probs. I do wonder though, why don’t you just give revolut a go? Now you’ve had the cyber training you’ll be safe :slight_smile:

Go forth and prosper!

Until the present difficulty over the 2 names I was perfectly happy with TorFX and in any case what is to say that Revolut or any other such agency might not have simiiar rules?