Anyone else a gilet jaune?

Well John, I do know what it means, it’s a not so nice expression that had nothing at all to do with what I was asking you about. But since you chose to reply with that, all I can deduce from that is that you are just looking for an argument.

And I have indeed taken my stance - here’s a fun fact for you: change my mind. Explain to me why I should support the GJ, explain to me why it’s so important to you that we support the GJ. And explain it to me in a way where one can look at the facts and make a proper decision instead of just depending on rehashed rhetoric.

But you can’t or won’t do that - so what’s the point there then?

As far as not having many real friends, I don’t think you’re in any way qualified to talk about that, considering you seem to be a rather sad, lonely little man with delusions of fitting in because you put on a yellow safety jacket.

And vision on life? This isn’t a vision my friend, this is just common sense talking. Anyway, I’ll be sure to enjoy life inside my little bubble immensely. I’ll think of you occasionally when I need cheering up because if nothing else, you sure are an entertaining critter.

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you are asking me to answer for over 20 000 000 GJ if you go to then you will see for yourself what people want , but you have to take time to read it not just a 30 sec view

I’ll go out on a limb here and say he reaped what he sowed (see what I did there?). I also didn’t throw the first insult. Was I mean? Probably. But if people can’t handle that, well, tough something said the something.

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Absolutely agree with your sentiments Dan but…when people pitch up here and pull the “You are not integrated / I am more integrated than you / I only have French friends / I have been here longer than you / etc etc etc” card, it doesn’t tend to work out well.


Ok John you’ve just demonstrated exactly why I won’t be able to understand or support your ‘cause’. Not only can you not answer simple questions but you have quite obviously chosen to ignore my previous posts! Your choice.

common sense from a blind man thanks for the laugh

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Well John, buddy, old pal, glad I could entertain. On a side note, what exactly have you accomplished in life that you are not blind? Do tell…

Dan, the thing is he has been insulting, hasn’t really read or replied to genuine questions. Spouts about ‘them’, and’ you lot’, that doesn’t really endear him to people !


Isn’t that just another insult John ? Maybe you could reply to the genuine questions that are posted instead of becoming aggresive and insulting !


Because he arrived with a bang and not a whimper and anyone on here who expresses such controversial views will, of course, create a stir - all l am saying is, as someone who has been berated as being ’ snarky’ - and l hold my hands up to that, perhaps he deserves to be given a hearing without being attacked so aggressively.


Perhaps people should engage brain before putting finger to keyboard.


My question to @anon43931645 is whether he will be joining his new found friends manning the barriers in Paris tomorrow?

Well I have just spent some time reading the vrai debat site. Yes there are some sensible suggestions, but overall it is a total mish-mash of sometimes contradictory ideas. And some of the proposals I am 110% against. Anyway the numbers don’t stack up either as not very well supported with votes.

It still doesn’t set out a coherant political or policy strategy…and as a manifesto it’s pretty ropey. Only saved by someone having thrown lots of money at it to make it look slick.

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FN or Melenchon’s outfit perhaps?

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That doesn’t excuse blocking access to their business. I watched one man in tears, he had mortgaged his house to open a business with his wife just before the protests kicked off, the access was blocked, his staff couldn’t get in, he has gone broke…where will he live with his wife and 3 children ?

As for eating I am virtually a vegetarian and can grow my own food …

They blockaded a local shopping centre one Saturday. And then asked the wine shop to open up (after he had sent all his staff home on a Saturday two weeks before Christmas) so that they could buy their apero.

He told them to F*** off.


That could be said about quite a few posters on this topic C.


the GJ movement started because people have had enough of the world they live in .So what do they want , well for that a platform was set up so that they could tell the government what they want changing so for me to tell you what everybody wants is very hard and that is why i gave the sites address so that you could read for yourselves . Of course it won’t be easy, but if we don’t try then what world are we going to leave for our descendants.The divide between the very rich and the rest is getting wider and it must stop if you want the world to be safe to live in because people are not born thieves or drug addicts its poverty that pushes them to it

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and property is theft eh, so just take what is not yours and sod the honest decent working people.
Why don’t you answer questions put to you?
All you seem to do is repeat the same mantra over and over again…