Anyone else use a French Pharmacy Online?

I'm interested if anyone has used a French Pharmacy Online?

I'm in the UK on hols but wanted to buy some homeopathic medicine which I can't find in the UK but routinely buy at the pharmacy in France.

I've googled a few suppliers in France MaPharmacienne etc. but in the end chose Univers Pharmacie en ligne as the postal charges were lower.

Just interested if anyone else has used a registered French online pharmacy and if they were cheaper than your local one when you consider postal charges?

Thanks Brian - this is what I was after

I have just tried placing an order with pharmacieveau....fingers crossed!

I couldn’t get the stuff in the UK…but for some unknown reason the pharmacy cancelled my order the next day! Oh well will wait till back in September.

The stuff I can't get from Amazon cheap cheap, which is quite a bit, I use Pharmacie Veau ( The places here for online ordering are all about the same price as each other but order enough, we always do, and have free postage (OK, they add 1 centime) but it works out cheaper than UK orders, the range is as good, sometimes better, and so items are a fair bit cheaper.