Anyone else?

Anyone else seeing this in “Users” Today?
Always a day behind. It’s been at least a week. Thought I’d mention it, as it is still ongoing. @James

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What am I supposed to notice? I don’t ‘get it’ :thinking::neutral_face:

The wrong date? Today is the 21st of February.

exactly…and it is still showing the 20th Feb…hence my post. :woman_facepalming:

But presumably it shows the data for the week from 13-20th inclusive, as totted up at 23hrs59 on 20th, which is ‘today’ at the time of reckoning. And will show the date from 21-28th on the day after?

Or am I too clever/pernickety for my own good?

I had seen that, I was answering Peter. Should have put @, ah là là

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No, it has been 1 day out for over a week. “Today” normally shows today’s date.

@Anglozone @vero

Disgraceful. Ought not to be allowed! What is (was) the world coming to these unreliably docketed days? Bring back the whip, get some sense into them. That’s what I always say.

No biggy @Peter_Goble , easy for admin to fix.

Must confess… never thought to investigate who is doing what “today”…

@james @cat is this something new… can anyone access such data ??? :thinking: and what else is available for general perusal… ???

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It’s perfectly normal, as SF is using a standard Discourse format.

Why would anyone want to look at this information? Almost feels like stalking :woozy_face:

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I don’t think it matters in the slightest, and anyone who had an ‘unhealthy’ interest in how many posts I respond to or initiate etc is more to be pitied than blamed. Life’s too short, and anyway no-one who involves themselves with social internet platforms must know that it is only minimally private; and we have to balance the risks with the many advantages.

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The SF forum like many other forums is full of stats. You only have to click on your own avatar to see that.

Maybe so, still find it odd.

This forum isn’t too bad for it but on others people do take an unhealthy interest in others stats

I don’t do instagram/social media but on a similar vein this recent article brings it home how seriously some are affected by it.

Black Mirror “Nosedive”

Odd is the new normal, perhaps? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: