ARE YOU A SILENT MEMBER? Never writing anything? Maybe read-only?

Dan, that’s an interesting observation. Is there anyone out there, a potential poster, perhaps, who would like to offer an opinion on Dan’s point of view, here?
I have no objection at all to being selected as a person who may be disruptive/destructive… to happy, peaceful conversation.
I hereby submit, to all criticism, as very welcome comment.

How curt you are at times Jane There are people trolling others everywhere on the internet, and no l haven’t noticed any significant increase on SF - Perhaps people want to have their say and get a little trollish when dismissed out of hand by some members just because they have a different point of view - which of course they are entitled to.


It’s an adjective, in this case, Peter. You could sing it?
Very interested to check up on a few Old Vikings.
Of course… a lot lost in translation, I suppose.
Incredible imagery. Thanks for that reference.

I haven’t noticed any extra trolls, either, Jane. My impression is that Cat and James keep watchful eyes… and trolls, though I’m not entirely sure of definition, get obliterated, pronto?

I rather like Jane’s style, its a ‘few wasted words’ style, and put to good use, with unfailing creative energy on absolutely every topic.
Jane…thank you for what seems to me to be devotion to good service in support of a long lasting, very useful, community. XX☺XX

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@Dan_Wood:. “Diatribe”


  1. a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.

“a diatribe against consumerism”

synonyms: tirade, harangue, verbal onslaught, verbal attack, stream of abuse, denunciation, broadside, fulmination, condemnation, criticism, stricture, reproof, reproval, reprimand, rebuke, admonishment, admonition.

Bit strong, Dan? :thinking::slightly_frowning_face:

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Thank you Jeanette.
We have both been members here for a very long time.
Are we all to be subsumed by the false friendships that are the flavour of the month and then stabbed in the back?
I hope not.


Jeanette, I have no problem with your posts, the only thing I will admit to is, it sometimes takes me a little longer to read them :rofl::wink:
I don’t feel excluded, if I had a comment to make I would jump in, whether you like it or not :wink::innocent:


Jane, I joined a long time ago, but only recently resurfaced to speak, again.
I always find it close to impossible, on my own behalf, ever, to think in ‘group’ terms, so the word “we”, and any group ideas such as “we all” are not easy to think on.
I do, however, recognise significance, in friendship, family and community.
Of all connections, the most fragile, seem to be those made via the internet. I think of the territory as experimental, a place to learn how to use “words” in effective ways. For everyone.
I know that the internet offers many ways to cause profound distress, and equally, deliver excellent counsel. ‘Back stabbing’, and shallow ‘friendships’, appear to me, to be commonplace.
It may be a lethal minefield for anyone/everyone who needs/searches for, …real care and affection, loyal friends and safe communities.
Its far too easy to abuse, and vanish, without trace.
Too easy to be convinced by language, alone. that a concealed, cruel intent, is a kindness of a friend?

Possibly because of the massive sense of split culture of childhood, I got used to a non aggressive status, as ‘enemy aIien’,
which eventually proved to be a blessing…!
I mean, its a good place …‘belonging nowhere’ …because, ultimately, the most significant group, seems to me to be ‘human species’…without giving overimportance to humans, who must be deeply respectful, (or die!), of all of the planet, and beyond. I guess! (I don’t claim to know anything)! So, I don’t feel the sadness you experience, I suppose I am less trusting, and happy to move on, rather than attempt to tolerate any toxic situation.

Dan if you have any comment on thread banters just jump in, don’t be shy :wink:


I totally agree Lily,
I don’t profess to understand all of Jeanette’s and Peter’s conversations but I still find them insightful and often highly amusing.
When I do understand some of their more obscure offerings I find their wordsmithery fun and a welcome change to some of the more humdrum responses that are given.


Hi Dan,

I’m with you on this Dan. I have posted twice but only when seeking advice or possible solutions to an issue from the experience of others.

I confess to having used the old AngloFrance (or similar) forum more before the site closed, don’t know why. Perhaps there are too many Facebook style topics
on here for me.


True, but the beauty is you can pick and chose those topics or conversations that you wish to take part in.
EDIT: Even start one of your own if you prefer? :thinking:

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I don’t/won’t do Facebook, but I am intrigued because I just see these topics as regular interaction with like minded people.

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Hi Lily

Nor will I, Facebook is anathema to me so we already have something in common. However, like minded people? Safe ground, maybe preaching to the choir.

Sad to say, as the years pass, I find people tend to
disappoint, as in the song from Paint Your Wagon and in the novel Thirteen Mooons by Charles Frazier, which brings me back to being a silent member. So I only post on here about things I need to know, or if I can possibly help others. Don’t please get me wrong, I am still a contented soul


When we came here 12 years ago I too found a large forum (that then got taken over and is now closed) absolutely invaluable with help and advice. I have missed that in recent years and dipped into a couple of newish ones but found them too small - not enough replies to get good advice. Here, I enjoy because it is clearly thriving in a world when everyone seems to have moved onto facebook - there’s a gite forum which is suffering because of that. Yes, some conversations are cliquey and gossipy - but I just skip them, they are not for me. There are rafts of threads that I never bother to read. BUT (and it’s a big but) there is some invaluable practical stuff here as well and some very knowledgeable people. I’ve just spend the morning with friends who have done nothing about getting a carte de sejour and are just sticking their heads in the sand. I’ve been able to direct them to a French govt website which explains clearly in English what will happen post-Brexit. Thanks to someone who posted a link here.
This has been a place where I’ve been able to ask idiot questions and get sane, sensible replies. Thank you all.


At first that was also my reason for joining, but as time passed I started ‘join’ in a little more. I always find some posts hold my attention more than others, and I have an off button.
I am pleased you are a contented soul :smiley:



Maybe the people you find cliquey know each other well as they have been members for sometime.
That doesn’t stop you from joining in and making a valuable contribution.


Yes, but it does not mean they are unable to “like” or even acknowledge a post from a new member.
Many new posters will find this “Cliquishness” discouraging.:slightly_frowning_face:
I only recently joined and will ( like Lily- Fran24) post regardless of what others may or may not think. This is, as far as I am aware a forum which by definition means discussion and all points of view are welcome.


Jeanette is a very strong advocate of certain causes and her verbal support of green issues in particular are, in my view only, a diatribe. That’s why l used the word Peter AND of course, you are entitled to find it a bit strong.

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