Are You Bothered? Yet.....?

Feeling a song coming on…!

The original idea of the GJ’s was simple but inspired however I feel the government only took notice when the protests turned violent and the ‘knee-jerk’ climb down showed how disconnected Macron really is. Now that militants have got involved I can see this rumbling on for months which will do the country no good at all.


Oh dear…

A total failure to grasp what’s happening in France.

The GJs don’t want cheaper goods they/we want a fair deal without Macron taking the mickey by forcing up prices in order to fund unrealisable goals. The ‘people’, and that probably excludes people like yourself are struggling to pay bills to maintain their standard of living. The monthly budget has been eroding for years and Macron’s attitude has pushed normal people (us) over the edge. I don’t know any GJ who is against the basic concept of say, Eco Taxes to improve our planet in future generations but the majority feel the programme was too ambitious too quickly. Believe it or not, those of us on a tight monthly budget can’t keep up with the payments hence the need to say ‘enough is enough’.
The freeze and even reduction in fuel costs partly due to the lower price per barrel and the decision to not increase EDF/GDF charges really helps us so well done Macron.
Hard line GJs want ISF to be re imposed though I don’t feel this is a good move.

Nobody in France has to be ‘elected’ to have a voice or to protest, it’s a basic right.

I don’t know of any GJs who have ‘unleashed anarchistic blah blah blah’ though extremists have infiltrated which has upset otherwise peaceful demonstrations.

No great ‘huge resources’ have been used. Many of us do actually work within the community (Resto de Coeur personally), but what if others don’t ? We are talking about people from all walks of life and from all political and social levels trying to get on with their lives without having face the extra struggles caused by the brutal price hikes imposed by Macron.

So in your household, how does that work ? I suppose you’re happy to be paying less for your fuel or doesn’t it mean anything to you ?


Good luck those views.

Well said Peter, that’s it in a nutshell, thanks :hugs:

Good luck trying to enjoy life in France with your own.

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Always one to look for a silver lining… I have just realized how little we have used transport over these past few weeks.

We have saved money simply by not going to the shops… well, not the major shops… we have crept to our local store twice, as we can do that without being hassled/held-up… but we have not made the usual Christmas site-seeing or shopping trips to the cities/large towns that we would normally do.

Neighbours are all wondering where the money will come from to pay for all the damage that has been caused across France… one said… “Ah well, Insurance will pay that” … only to be shouted down by his wife who reminded him about the trickle-down effect… “we will all pay”… (well, that’s how I understood the conversation)…

So, it seems we shall all be paying, one way or another… no matter what… so OH and I are waiting patiently… at home… and this is a lovely country in which to be waiting patiently… :hugs:

Yes Stella, we will pay one way or the other.

Macron and his Treasury has lost billions in lost VAT alone so it will be interesting to see how he recoups all the lost revenue.

I was taught the value (and scarcity) of money at an early age.

Thus, whenever promises are made… I ask myself… where will the money come from to pay for that lot…??

No matter how much I would like to pay less … the sums must add up. :thinking:

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Didn’t I read somewhere that “heads of French industry” in future, must pay French Income Tax on their “Salary” even if they are not living in France… that could bring in a tidy sum…:thinking:

Possibly, I’ve not got the wording right… but someone must have read the article…???

And we’d rather be here than in the US.

Can’t say I have felt threatened by the G J - except when my interviewer mentioned them during my Naturalisation interview - I skilfully avoided the subject! I live in a relatively poor rural area - our local town has 24% unemployment - but interestingly most of our French friends are vehemently opposed to the GJ activities and it seems to me that most of them are urban adjitators. That’s not to say that the original demonstarators didn’t have some good points about the cost of living, an inreasonable tax burden on the poorer sections of society etc. It was good to give the Govt a wake up call. All the GJs I have encountered have been polite, friendly and willing to exchange views. No threatening behaviour at all. France has always had public demonastrations a s part of its political life. Live with it!

Those who have not experienced threatening behaviour… or not felt threatened … will not IMO understand those who have, indeed, had such experiences and/or felt such emotions.

France is vast, its population is very mixed and, as anywhere, there are good and bad…


Well said Stella - It’s certainly a polarizing issue which divides opinion - l won’t rehearse my views save to say that the aggressive rhetoric l found on the street has been repeated on this thread. Apparently if you have an alternate view some people on here believe you are a well heeled, middle class, property owning Brit with no debt, no mortgage not living from month to month, sometimes depending on handouts to survive. When that could not be further from the truth.

Some French people tend to promote this false narrative when, in fact, many Brits are struggling to make ends meet and with Brexit hurtling towards us and the prospect of the exchange rate plummeting and the cost of healthcare uncertain.

I have witnessed first hand the ‘war zone’ ambiance of GJ protest in Bordeaux and the insults from people blocking my way and It frightened the life out of me. I believe in the democratic right of all to peacefully protest but what l witnessed in Bordeaux was a million miles from it.

Apparently l will financially benefit from the actions of the GJ along with everybody else in France, rich or poor. To be honest, although this month l am having to borrow more money to survive as the exchange rate plummets l will never condone violence as a legitimate means to a political end.

I hope the protests stop very soon.

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We are in a buying consortium for our heating fuel and don’t go out a lot, local shopping only or to neighbours.

Our government doesn’t give a damn about us.
We hear about those poor people who have mortgaged themselves to the hilt having to pay half a per cent more.
My heart bleeds.

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Well if you use your car(s) and if you use elecricity and/or gaz and if your car(s) are subject to a CT then you are benefitting now. But I wouldn’t expect you to acknowlege it.


Has a number/ cost been put on the protests. Insurance payouts, lost takings in shops, that kind of thing?

Just think of a number and add the word ‘billions’ after it.


It’s a pity that these concessions, which seem to be broadly welcome, had to be extracted at such cost. How is it that the political class has become so detached from the people they represent?