Are you watering?

I am, every evening now. Hoping for some rain mid week. Oh for a well! That should have been a deal breaker when we bought.

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My eyes are…

We are watering because we have young plants in the potager.
We were promised rain today, but it has been deferred until Tuesday afternoon.

I am watering my beautiful beans which I sprouted in looroll middles. I hope they end up as stunning as on the packet!


Yes, we tried that to discourage the mole rats, but not with much success.
We have beans coming up and melons and perpetual spinach and the tomato plants are out.

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We have a water butt and an old bath which are just about holding out. but I think I should invest in one of those big plastic containers in a wire cage if this weather is setting a pattern for future years.
My beans are well advanced and beginning to flower, having been re-grown from last years roots. I mulch them with dried grass cuttings to reduce evaporation.


@Jane_Williamson @Mike_Kearney

All hail, bean experts - what do you give them to climb up?

Bamboo pyramids. Quite ornamental when fully grown.

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We use hazel bean poles that we collect in the forest where EDF has chopped down vegetation under electricity lines, and fashion them into a structure according to their character. This year was very ship wreck like!

We are watering, and try to do it copiously but not too often to encourage roots to go deeper. So every 3 -7 days approx according to plant.image


We have 20mm of rain forecast for Wednesday night/Thursday morning. That’ll do nicely!

I suggest you enter it for a Turner Prize. Could be a winner.

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Storms all week they say, here.

We have french beans and soriel, but the soriel are very slow.

The mole rats have been terrible this year for us too. Literally burrowing through the topmost of the topsoil in wiggles across the lawn, about 5cm deep. In places, they have lifted the whole root system, what little there was. Come the summer, it’ll all be dead.

We’ve had T-storms this morning, the butts are full again! :slight_smile:

@RicePudding Ooooh lucky you! We’ve had two drops.

That was us last year ! Every time it looked like rain, it just disappeared !

We grow English Runner Beans that seem to suit local conditions. Growing them up a bamboo pyramid means that, as well as beimg decorative, the root is shaded as the plant matures. Growing from last years root results in many shoots, so I only need one plant for each pyramid.


Tried and failed miserably to get them to grow in the Auvergne.

I’m intrigued - you grow runner beans as perennials? You just chop them in Autumn and wait for new spring growth? Or more like Dahlias and lift / store the roots?

I’ve always known them grown from “seed/bean”