Assurance maladie & Carte Vitale

In Brenda’s case it appears to be straightforward - she is based in France, possibly with French clients and has a UK practice which is via Skype and therefore physically located in France. It is easy enough to dig through her own website (and that of the Jung Club London) to get an idea of the scope of her work.

I suspect this would have been easier if the first post had said “tax a bit complex but sorted with the various authorities however really not sure what to put on the l’assurance maladie form as I have a UK pension and S1 but am also self-employed” - the trouble is that we got odd things like “but all is above board with the bank” which is a bit irrelevant and set some people’s alarm bells ringing.

From her various comments she seems to have approached the tax authorities to make sure things are above board - we can’t really judge her full personal circumstances after all and it is a pity she wanted to view honest attempts to understand and offer assistance as attacks.

A pity really - but, as I said, I hope that she has or gets everything sorted.

Judging by her website maybe 6 or 7 lectures a year.

I’m not saying you are wrong, I’m just saying that we don’t know all the facts and we have no business playing amateur tax sleuth and jumping to conclusions.

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Indeed - however “things” could have been presented a little more clearly without Brenda getting defensive; then we probably wouldn’t have gone down the rabbit hole.


I agree, also spamming (intentionally or not) every post with her personal email and website, has made the whole thread appear like a publicity exercise.
A bit of self psychoanalysis in order, methinks Brenda. :hushed:


I think that’s unfair. If you add a signature when you join, hoping this will be a friendly and welcoming forum, you don’t think about the reaction to it being added automatically to every post do you. Neither do you expect that you have to set out your question with absolute precision, and endless background. Surely this should be a place to ask ordinary questions and get ordinary answers, qualified by an idea of people’s level of expertise or experience - not an interrogation that felt quite pointed at times.


And now she’s anonymised herself /fucked off so lets not get worked up over it. After all, it’s nearly Christmas…:evergreen_tree:ffs


Shame about the profanities

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The profanities were in context & therefore are entirely valid imho

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