Assurance Vie in GBP for French Residents - Video

Hi All,

see below an Assurance Vie video - suitable for French residents wanting to invest their GBP without having to exchange into Euros. (you can invest in Euro and Dollars as well)

Example - At the moment if you have surplus cash inflation will be hitting it quite hard… for example if you have £100,000 in the bank at the start of the year and the cost of things inflate by 10% the following year your money will only be able to buy £90,000 worth of goods.

I would suggest this should be for surplus over and above a healthy emergency fund.

You should look to have 6-12 months income as an emergency fund and at the moment i would just keep it in the banks - Livret A and LDDS if you have a joint household could mean you can invest up to €70,000 and get 3% with no declaration, social charge or tax as well as it being backed by the government.

In any case feel free to watch the video and get in touch if you need any help.