Assurance Vie Information

Hi - having spoken to Credit Agricole they have proposed an Assurance Vie policy.

AVs are new to me - is there somewhere I can find out a little more before pulling the trigger with someone.


Oct 2016 but probably still relevant -

Think of them a bit like an ISA, in that you get a (nearly) tax free envelope and pop all sorts of different things in it. Something, like the Euro fonds, are low interest earning, but safe. Other things are more risky and higher income earning. Your choice.

The big advantage is you can bequeath to anyone you like tax free ā‚¬152k (up to age 70) so good so people with complicated families.

After 8 years you get annual capital gain allowance so can withdraw some funds. Otherwise you do pay tax and social charges on withdrawals (unless you have an S1)

The main negative side, and one to watch like a hawk when choosing a policy, is the fees. They can be eye-watering. And you pay fees on everything!

Iā€™d look at the options before one proposed by a bank - if you want French bank safety look at boursarama or (slips my mind but the websites greenā€¦) they usually rate well.

In context I have two of them and they are my main ā€œpensionā€ for want of a better word. The euro funds (think cash ISA are close to useless at current rates) - fees vary enormously and the choice is vast (hide your millions in Liechtenstein to small savings accounts).

There are Irish options - the Pru has a decent option oddly enough

There are comparison sites itā€™s working out the right search term from memory