Aussies in France 2015 to 2020... and onwards

Wow that would be good if that could be sorted, I have another 20+ years so lots of time for your lobbying to work! Seems really unfair if other countries are entitled from there but not France! My Aussie pension wouldnt’ be huge (plus my little bit of super) but I will only have a 1/2 French pension or something (actually not even sure how that works and what I’ll end up with) so every little bit will help.

But don’t hold your breath! I am now 80 and finally gave up on Autsrlaia pension rights after finally getting a polite - but ‘hard shit’ letter from the then PM of Oz which took 15 YEARS and four ‘goalpost moving’ situations over the period, each ensuring the distance became more and more of an issue. I was interested to read about the latest from Graham. I did note earlier the catch-all one of ‘means tested’ and that does mean valuation of all your possessions including, house, car, shares, artworks, jewellery, furnishings and even the clothes on your back! Guess who does the final valuation?

NB This is precisely what Iain Duncan-Slyme is pushing for in the UK!

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Very much hoping that is successful Graham - that would solve all my problems… :slight_smile:

Sorry for the belated reply - it seems I don’t get email updates when someone has posted so I had no idea anyone had said anything lol…


Sorry to be the Jeremiah, but I honestly think you should be thinking of getting residence elsewhere - but even that is no guarantee! Talking to an Australian mate his morning and he told me that no-one has an ‘automatic right to an Australian Pension’- other than your independent Superannuation one. That includes Australians living in Australia - Graham’s first point being the most important - ‘means tested’ as I mentioned earlier. THAT is a moveable feast!
At this time I only receive a small part-pension from the UK Government and zilch from Australia (thank you Michael Shithead Howard!!!)
It would not surprise me in the least if that disappeared via the urgings of Slyme and the current situation of the UK v.Europe.
As a now French citizen, I hope that in the event of this happening I would have a least reasonable grounds for support from the French Government in some form or other. I do note there are Clauses in the EU Convention that cover this for EU Citizens.

Sadly Brits here are no longer EU Citizens so presumably would not have that umbrella if Johnson, Slyme and Co., continue with their virulence against the EU in general (supported in the main I feel by the majority of voters in the UK)

As Graham suggests moving to a country that has an existing ‘Protocol’ with Australia, and which he has listed) would honestly seem to be a good option, BUT policies can change, but I have yet to seen any that have benefited me other than the change of Nationality, but now everything seems predicated on some level of 'joint incomes even here.

I would be inclined to look at some sort of Endowment Policy from which to derive some return. I have a small one that I only had for about three years in the uK, which pays me a small amount each year for the past 15 years and seems much more secure than anything provided by Governments. I stress that I am not an expert in this area, but taking more control of your own finances AWAY from the depredations of politicians seems a better option?


I think what you are saying does make sense Norman - to be honest myself and my good lady are about to do the ‘‘pacte’’ here and get married next year - and at this stage I don’t even have the EHIC (European Health Inusrance Card) because although I am still an EU citizen (I’m here on my Irish passport rather than my British) but unfortunately it is not a straightforward thing for me to even get health cover sorted because I am technically still a Swedish resident (I lived there for five years until the marriage there fell apart - long story lol)… Anyway, the French authorities have said I need to have proof that I am entitled to health cover here like any other EU citizen and apparently the Irish passport is not enough - I need the EHIC - and although I have only been here for six months or so now I have spent half of that time trying to get my Swedish driving license converted to a French one and to get the Swedes to send me the EHIC from there so that I can use that to get the govt health cover here and THEN, hopefully, get on the private one that my future wife has…

As for anything from Australia - I do have a small amount of super in Oz - I am still in GESB - but that won’t last five minutes - I am still hoping there will be some way I can get the Aussie pension if there is still going to be one in ten years from now…


As a ‘‘PS’’ to that I am still driving on my Swedish license and of course the car I drove here from Sweden in 6 months ago still has Swedish plates - its only an old bomb but if I can cheaply get it put over the pits and okayed and the plates changed to French ones I’d really appreciate a PM if anyone here has experience with this - I really need someone who is not a rip off merchant and who can sort this for me - ideally someone not so far from La Hauteville/Yvelines…

Hi, would appreciate your survival guide. Have owned a house in Brittany for 10 years, now retiring from Australia to there. Applied for CDS but unsure about superannuation

Kind regards