Australian requiring dialysis 3x weekly- realistic? info?

Hello, my friend’s mother is considering a retirement relocation from Sydney to near us in Monflanquin 47150 but she requires renal dialysis three times a week. In the brains trust’s esteemed opinion is this feasible (for a single Australian lady who would of course find herself a home within striking distance of an amenable, expat-friendly dialysis unit- advice on where they are also very welcome). Nearby hubs could be Bergerac or Villeneuve-sur-Lot as Eymet is desirable to her. Great thanks in advance. If there is a professional consultant out there who can advise here for a fee I’m sure any information on the feasability of this topic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Tash is a web site you might care to look at.

Two things spring to my mind - would an airline carry your friend’s mother…? She will be regarded as ‘seriously ill’ with the calculated risk of a delay going against her. Then there is the cost - I presume she will have insurance? I do not know the cost of such treatment, but it will not be cheap.

I think your friend needs to do some serious talking with the pertinent French health provider if not already done so…

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I’m sure the treatment can be carried out, it’s how you fund it that’s the issue.

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Would that be a second home? Or would she expect to be here permanently? Quite apart from her health there’s the question of visas and the right to live here.

France’s health service is good and there are 7 dialysis centres in the Dordogne.

The complication will be getting it set up for her arrival as all these places are very busy and she can’t just appear and expect them to find a regular slot for her. She would need to make contact with a nephrologue. Well in advance and discuss practicalities. If you are in situ, and presumably speaking French, you can find one on doctolib and start a discussion.

However she arrives she will need private health insurance certainly to start with, and probably for a year at least. This could be expensive so maybe get quotes now to check its feasible. This is not travel insurance, as much more comprehensive as must cover existing conditions.

Interestingly there is an organisation that helps French dialysis patients travel. Perhaps there is the same in Australia?

(Just noticed similar to that posted above but non profit assoc, rather than private provider)

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Bergerac has a dialysis unit and I have sent foreigners to it before, they seemed very happy with the care they received, they were from NZ and I don’t think spoke much French. This was a while ago now and the building housing the unit has been demolished as part of the hospital’s renovation, but the unit still exists. I expect if you ring them they can tell you much more.

Thank you everyone this is very helpful.