Avis d'impôt 2020 sur les revenus 2019 + Explanation

Just found that my Avis is there in my personal space…

didn’t get the usual message to say it was available… but there it is…

you might want to check your own “space”

there is also a link which fully explains every bit of detail which appears on the Avis… obviously items which might/will be useful at some stage…

a 2-page chart… very clear


Notice - Avis d’impôt sur les revenus / prélèvements sociaux - rôles généraux Formulaire 1534 - NOTK - Avis - notice des avis impôts sur les revenus et prélèvements sociaux - notice explicative des renvois figurant sur l’avis d’impôt.

Millésime 2020


Very useful and timely tip, Stella :hugs::+1:

I didn’t get a ‘heads-up’ notification either.

BTW I did eventually get a Declaration after following your advice and submitting an old déclaration with the old totals crossed out and new totals over-written, with a letter in French admitting defeat over the on-line submission.

Good news “Rejoice! Rejoice!!” is that I am now rien à payer for this tax year and got a tidy refund on top. Yippee! :hugs::laughing:

Thanks to you! :revolving_hearts:

PS the new Declaration will make an on-line Declaration next year much easier as there is an annexe setting out all the appropriate codes to follow (unless, of course, they change them).

Glad it all worked out so well, Peter…

cheers :relaxed: :relaxed: :relaxed:

The email arrived today… :relaxed: :relaxed:

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Me too.

Same here :blush: