Axa france and the bailiffs

Anyone who has read my recent complaints about AXA France will be pleased to know I am still waiting for the bailiffs here at my home in Spain....All comes from dealing with a crap agent who refused to acknowledge my registered letters of cancelling my car health and house insurance when I left France in August last year!What has been so disturbing is AXAs complete ignoring of all my letters and emails and have chugged along like a bully sending threatening letters;I even explained so many times in the countless registered letters I have sent that I had a new address in Spain and up to February they were still sending the demands to my former French home. Not sure if anyone else has had the same problem; I even wrote to the President Director General of AXA to complain of the terrible service I have received, but I dont expect a reply; No one seems to want to take any responsibility , just send demands and hopefully intimidate me into paying these trumped up amounts; What makes it all worse is that I have been paying the amounts they have demanded then had a rebate of sorts from the beginning of the year for the health and house, just to get them off my back but the cars despite two being sold and one being registered have been the problem; The reregistered one they have demanded the certificate in Spanish should be translated into French....what difference would that make? and technically they are illegally demanding insurance on a car that has been out of the country for a almost a year; I have asked them if the insurance was paid could I claim here if I had an accident, but ofcourse no response; I am in the process of making a claim against them for all money taken since August which should have been the finish of my contracts, via the European small claims court which works border to border; I have wasted so much time trying to end this problem and it seems to be going and on...Interested if anyone has had the same problem; I have put complaints on their twitter and facebook pages which might do some good! I have loved France so much and had such a wonderful life there but this bureaucratic nonsense has made me feel so annoyed and taken away all the wonderful wonderful memories!

I am sure most people have a wonderful relationship, I just seem to have a bad agent who along with the client services have ignored my letters hence this problem best wishes Grahame

many thanks Jane grahame

We have moved our house insurance to our local Mutuelle in Cluny. The head came out to our house and gave us a quote there and then and it was less than with our previous insurer.
Our car insurer is giving up insuring cars and we will change to la Mutuelle de Cluny in July.
I hope you enjoy your time in Spain.
I successfully took the CPAM to the European Commission on behalf of all British retirees, so you can win against the faceless bureaucrats!

Sorry to learn about your trouble with Axa.

We have a very good relationship and service with our branch in Charente.

They have been extremely helpful.