Bald patches

I didn’t think Brownie - my ageing TB - could look any worse than she did (I’m amazed Kathryn and Jenny haven’t been round to remove her into protective custody yet…) but she has now got a selection of little bald patches dotted around. Until now they have been the size of a little finger nail and mainly on the legs, shoulder - look like a normal scrape but with no cut. This morning she has a three inch long bald patch on her back just behind the saddle area. Any ideas?

Yeah I think that it was coincidence that she got that after I’d noticed some smaller bald patches lower down. She does seem to have lost coat / mane generally. Although she could easily have rubbed the mane out…And I thought something was up with her tail until I realised that my dear daughter had been playing hairdressers!!!

And just after the biting diagnosis - said pony suddenly tried to nip me - never done before or since but thats horses for you…

No idea, that’s WAAAAAAY out my remit!!! :wink:

Hope that also applies to teenage daughters :))

LMAO at the cobweb - I hadn’t noticed it until you pointed it out!!!

She might be losing her powers of evil as she ages - it does happen!

I thought that but in which case it would be the first time ever as Brownie is the dominant old bag who pulls evil faces at Frizz (pony) at hay time. Will watch and keep you posted. She’s always been really thin skinned - can’t turn out in any kind of fly mask as it rubs - prone to girth galls if everything not immaculate etc etc so I’m working on the “just like people with thin hair who have less as they get older, maybe horses are the same” theory…!

Oh well at least she is sound again!

Just realised I really should have photo shopped the cobweb off the jelly pad before posting. Slutty pony owner…

Probably just bites - Os has some small round bald bits where he’s reacted badly to taon or deer fly bites. The bit behind the saddle looks more like a bite from another equine!!
I have some scary ringworm pics which I’ll post if I can ever find them!

Any clues?

I’ve also noticed that generally she seems to have a lot less mane and coat seems much thinner than usual - there is some old scarring on a hind leg that is now clearly visible whereas previously it was much less so.

Doesn’t look like ringworm and sure I would have noticed lice? or not?
Will take pics tomorrow for better virtual diagnoses!

Could be ringworm (which isn’t a worm at all, but a fungus that attacks the skin), or maybe lice?