Bats in the belfry?

Did his/her mum come to the rescue?

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Sadly no and although he was still alive at lunchtime, I donā€™t think he will be by the time I get home. The conservation guy hasnā€™t returned my call, but as he said yesterday baby bats that young practically never survive without their mum.
It doesnā€™t help that we had a massive storm and torrential rain last night.

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Thatā€™s awful @DeTolkTW ā€¦not worth trying milk of some sort?

I tried some warm goats milk as baby formula was hideously expensive but I think it made him worse to be honest. :pleading_face::sleepy:

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Oh dear. Well, you triedā€¦ :cry:

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Christopher Mooreā€™s books starring Roberto are fab, Roberto he no like the light.


@DeTolkTW well you have a lot of credit in the bank with the bat goddessā€¦:innocent:


Sadly Iā€™ve just got home and the little mite has gone. I know that itā€™s extremely, voir impossible, to save really young bat pups but Iā€™d got quite attached to the little guy. :cry:


Iā€™m so sorryā€¦ they are such lovely little thingsā€¦ :cry:

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as mentioned I hate them, they frighten me and I wonā€™t even go in our barn where there are some. However you are a darling trying to save the little peep and hats off to you (and honestly as a nurse and midwife Iā€™d have probabaly done the same whilst screaming like a pathetic girl :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:).
Good on you girl for trying! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Best steer clear of Valencia then. Bats everywhere. On the shirts of Valencia FC, on inspection covers in the road, on the Valenciano flagā€¦

On a more Attenboroā€™esque note, I observed something very interesting just now, in the humdrum locale of the car park at Carre4, Torigni [50]

The gang of sparrows based there were going round the cars picking insects off the bumpers and leading panels of the cars. Some were even diving in throā€™ the grill to get at the insects on the front face of the radiators. They were all at it. Clever little spugs.

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