Being employed by a foreign company

All of what Michelle says, plus the fact you cannot be an AE if you are employed. You can try bluffing your way through that but on a salary you will be caught soon enough. It also costs you more as well as the employer.

I don't know anything about Ireland as compared to France, but to employ someone in France as opposed to the UK costs the employer a lot more, something like 150% of salary rather than 120% in the UK, plus the working week is shorter and firing people or making them redundant is much harder and more costly.

If it is an Irish company you would be paid in euros anyhow.

Hi Mary
I am moving in July to France for my boys schooling and will be hired by an Irish NGO but based in France so trying to navigate through the whole process of becoming a tax resident in France any recommendation or advice would be very welcome

Hi Howard I am in a very similar situation to Sarah and would be great if you could also send me the same contacts if possible I realise this thread of communication is quite old now

hi Sarah
hope you are well I have been looking through your postings I will also be moving to France in July being hired by an Irish organisation and I was interested to know how you had managed to solve your issue if at all? my email address is

Hi Gaby. I only just saw your posts now but thought I’d share details of what I did when moving to France 3 years ago but continuing to work for a UK-based company.

Initially I had (somewhat naïvely) thought I would become an Auto Entrepreneur in France and switch from a permanent employee to a contractor with my employer. However, my employer was advised by a French employment lawyer that we shouldn’t do this.

Instead we created a company that doesn’t do business in France (“entreprise sans Ă©tablissement en France”) via URSSAF. This allowed my employer to pay social security taxes in France and for me to have French payslips.

It’s a really straightforward process and can all be done online via the TFE (“titres firmes Ă©trangĂšres”) site - Entreprise Ă©trangĂšre sans Ă©tablissement en France - Happy to answer any questions you may have.

Sure - feel free to ask away either in public or drop me a PM if you prefer.

As I said, it’s very straightforward. It took a couple of months to sort out but that was during peak Covid period.


HI Gaby, may I suggest you delete your email address and, if necessary send it to Gareth in a private message. This is a public forum and can be seen by anyone in the world. Unfortunately publishing your email on the open forum can lead to your getting unwanted spam. Just a thought.


Weird translation! It’s a company that has no office/branch/headquarters/ in France. It - ie you - works in France!

Could confuse people trying to look that translation up the other way

I wasn’t aiming for a literal, word-for-word translation. Just going on the advice we were given by the Parisian law firm :person_shrugging:

Thank you Sue!! I just deleted it
Have a lovely week

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Sure, but it doesn’t mean the same, so anyone trying to follow in your footsteps could get lost.