Big Ben Bongs on 31st Jan - contributing? Vote Now

I’m still feeling really sad and angry but I’m supporting this…:slightly_smiling_face:


HOW MUCH!! Just to drape a sheet over the edge of the cliff? Can’t they they just spray paint the message on the cliff-face :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: A permanent reminder…at least till it drops into the sea. :hushed:

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150m square…needs quite a bit of infrastructure to hold up 5000 sheets!

Surely 150 square meters not 150 meters square, Jane? I’ve hung several times that area of sheets in my life-time, that’s a lot of pegs in my mouth…:grimacing:

Math is not my strong point…but if a sheet is 140 x200cm I make that .028sq meters? So 5000 x 0.028 = 140 sq meters… or could be a misplaced decimal point somewhere.

Hi Jane 140cm x 200cm = 2.8m2

I do think your proposed display of EU support would be far more impressive though - and one that I would contribute to!

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I said math was not my strong point!

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@JaneJones, Not strong on maths…

Mais t’es passionnément dévouée à la cause Élyséenne! Magnifique!! :hugs::eu:

Only your top is missing. I can see you/read you from the knees down, Norman.

Sorry, I just misread the word “clock;” or maybe it was a typo.

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That’s a bit ambitious, Jane, given all the gaffs he’s risen above so far.

Tutoyer indeed. Do you know Madame Jones that well Peter? By the way it is said Charle de Gaulle spoke to his wife using vous for all their life together.

LOL, keep it clean boys :grin:
But I think Peter is right, it seems to be forum convention or at least I’ve never encountered a French forum where members vouvoient each other, not even brand new members.

It was a bold move, David, and no offence was intended toward Madame.

I calculated that, as we tend to use first names on the forum, I might not be judged presumptuous to use the less formal mode in addressing Jane on a fairly light-hearted post.

Second, I am quite old and a certain level of senior eccentricity is usually tolerated by the young’uns, as long as one isn’t putting someone down superciliously.

Third, I don’t get much practice tutoying others, and have to consciously strive not to vouvoie children in pushchairs, as that is generally my stuck default position; so when I guess it’s OK to use the less formal mode, I take a gamble on it being so.

Au contraire, makes me feel young.


Bung-a-bob-for-a-Brexit-bong-Boris, bog off!

Absolutely right Jane. I cannot hear the bloody bell down here in Devon but if they ring it, all it will do is set organisations like ours (Devon for Europe) and others, off on a rant and cause further divisions, which, believe me will not take much to do.

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