Birth certificates

After all these months of preparing my french pension, the government body dealing with it now wants birth certificates for my two children showing the names of us, the parents on them. I have explained that in the UK they don’t come with such info, just the baby on it. I had no idea about this as we all have just small certificates showing only the child registered and where etc. Does anyone know where I am supposed to obtain these more detailed certificates from please? In 34 years of a great deal of french bureaucracy, we have never never ever been asked for such certificates before and as its to obtain payment for years for being a stay at home mother, even the CAF who paid allocation famillial never asked for such paperwork!

They wanted this when we got married here, we explained that we get issued with a birth certificate only when we are born, they are not updated throughout our lives like the French ones are and they ended up accepting our UK ones.
They insisted on copies that were dated within 3 months and there had to be a translated and notarised copy.
We got the copies of the originals through the relative regestery service in the UK, in our case Scotland.
I’m not sure if this will help or not.

If I recall, there are two types of certificate, short as you describe and full. You can request copies on the website.


Extract and full at least in Scotland, we had full copies here but they would only accept dated three month old ones for some obscure reason.

A friend of mine retired a few years ago and when he was getting his (small) french pension arranged, he was asked if he had children, and if he did he could get extra pension. Excitedly he went back with copies of birth certificates obtained at some expense and when all done and dusted he got an extra 2 euros/year

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You ask the GRO (government registry office) and they will be posted to you for a fee.

I’ll find the link in a minute

Edit…less than a minute

There are 2 types of birth certificate:

  • the short version, which contains only the baby’s details
  • the full version, which also contains the parents’ details

Once you have registered the birth, you’ll be able to buy a short or full certificate for your baby. Both kinds cost £11.

If you register the birth in the area where it took place, you’ll get a certificate straight away. If you register the birth in another area, you’ll get it in a few days.

You can buy extra copies of the birth certificate from the register office at any time.


I don’t think Shiba is needing to register any births :yum:

That’s my recollection too. There are two types of birth cert, the short form with only the baby’s name and the long form with the parents too. You just need to request long form versions. I have both sorts, one with just me and one, the original, with Mum and Dad.

No, but she needs the full certificate!

Which is what I have said already :wink: and if it is the same kind of officialdom as I had, they probably will need translated and notarised as well as they are in English.

But without the link.

You should not have had to provide ones dated within 3 months, that’s just for French birth certificates which do go out of date. And also shouldn’t need an apostille as they are already certificated.

We checked with the Mairie and the prefecture in Le Mans and they said we did and we weren’t going to argue with them, that and celibacy certificates from the British embassy in Paris.
All in all if we had known how much bumph we had to provide in the end, we would probably have gotten married in the UK :face_with_peeking_eye:

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They are giving me an extra €86/month on top of the pension for the years I spent bringing up the kids here so I want to get that, every little helps

Yes, showing both parent’s full names and my maiden name as well as name at both births. Its to proove they are paying me extra for children that are mine and not someone else’s. Strange how the CAF back in the early 90’s never asked for them to proove the same thing.

That’s great. I don’t think my friend paid in for that many years, and what he did wasn’t very much :thinking:

No, you have to build up your trimestres over the years and there is a minimum qualification for a monthly payout. I have another pension via a complimentory scheme but because its very small, they pay in a lump sum yearly but again, the hoops for such a small amount you have to jump through are long and tedious. Its almost as if the foncs enjoy it and don’t want to pay people.