Biting Insects

La Rochefoucauld, near Angouleme.

Just to reignite this post, attached is a flyer, in French, regarding a mosquito treatment product.

FT Vectobac WG 02-2016.pdf (1.6 MB)

VECTOBAC WG est un insecticide biologique hautement selectif utilisĂ© contre les larves de moustiques. S’utilise dans tous les lieux oĂč l’eau stagne de façon permanente ou temporaire (Ă©tangs, marais salants, lagunes), dans les zones rurales et urbaines.
Composition : 37,4 % bacillus thuringienis sérotype H14 (=israelensis) titrant 3000 UTI/mg
Dosage : Grandes surfaces : par voie terrestre ou aĂ©rienne Ă  la dose de 1kg/ha. Petites surfaces : Ă  l’aide d’un pulvĂ©risateur Ă  pression. Diluer 10g dans 5 L d’eau. Appliquer sur 100m2 de gĂźtes larvaires.

If you’re wondering why all my brochures are in French, it’s because I’m legally obliged. It is strictly forbidden for a professional to use products [in France] which are not ticketed in French.



This explains why there are goldfish in the municipal olden ‘laundry washing pool’ just over the little chemin from our place. Not just pretty but useful. I also hope the frogs/tadpoles get some. Thanks for the insight. :frog:

Put fishes in stagnent water ponds : Yes, @Rob_le_Pest wink: It’s these insects larvas natural predator. Except koi carps and few other veg fishes, most other fish species are either carnivorous or omnivorous.

You can also put batrachians : frogs, toads, salamanders, 


Other protection means : Several plants essencial essences are non toxic ( if used with care : never pure on your skin ! ) and are an efficient INSECTS REPELLER .
Nearly all are. Some are said more efficient than others ( ? ), among which : geranium and lemongrass .

A specially undertaken product out of geranium essence is named geraNIOL : You may find it only by herborist merchants ( or mixed with other components in branded drugs sold by chemists ) .

If you buy herbal essencial essences, try to get the ones bearing the AB Âź ( Agriculture Biologique ) label !

@Rob_le_Pest , @RayR , @anon88981270 , and @DenMarNor :wink: :

One of these secure suppliers of seeds and plants is @Kokopelli ( Association Kokopelli : ) [ “semences” = seeds, from v. “semer” = to sow . ] .

They are established in France and U.S.A.

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Thanks @Rob_le_pest for this hint.

If you experienced it, what //qualified pest controller did you hire ?

@Jean-Yves_Rollin To-date, I am first, and only Brit in France with French qualifications in Pest Control*. Apart from my wife, who I made take the course/tests in 2020, as a Christmas present instead of flowers and champagne. She keeps bringing it up in conversations for some reason. :grin::joy:

Any Pest Controller practicing in France must have French qualifications, any UK qualifications are not valid and the courts take a very dim view on non compliance.

I’m in the Cher, but I do have a network of recommended Pest Controllers. Or you can search pages jaunes for ‘DĂ©ratisation, DĂ©sinsectisation, DĂ©sinfection’.

If you require a Pest Controller, please PM and I will find someone near you.

  • Before people try to correct me, 87500 St Yeirix la Perche, Jean-Baptiste is French and qualified, his lovely wife is English, and not (as far as I’m aware). They are a great company, certainly on my highly recommended list!