Bobby Charlton

Saddened to read today of Bobby Charlton’s demise. Not unexpected, but still a poignant moment that brought back many memories of Saturdays at Old Trafford in the Sixties. Must have seen him play over a hundred times…

Two in particular - firstly that archetypal moment when Charlton would receive the ball just beyond the centre circle and set off, elegantly gliding past defenders (his comb-over would fly off the top of his head and follow him on the run, hovering above his shoulder) . And everyone knew Charlton’s run would culminate in a spectacularly powerful shot from outside the box.

Secondly, the only goal I ever saw him score with his head - tho’ not at OT but at Wembley in the 1968 European Cup Final - a glancing header that skimmed off the top of that bald pate - completely unexpected, but absolutely perfectly executed.

And of course wherever one went in the world - eg Izmir taxi- driver , Turkey 1972 - “Where are you from sir?” “Manchester” “Ah! Bobbee Charlton!”


One of the true greats

I had no idea who he is but thanks to you I now realise he’s a footballer from The Olden Days.


That’s exactly the sort of goal I was describing, and a reminder that he scored quite a few of those for England as well as for United!

The thread was started by an elderly person from those tymes…


1966… and I was hoarse from shouting… marvellous stuff. … !!!

Was privileged to have seen him a few times along with the other legends, Georgie boy, and Denis the menace. Top player and a really nice too apparently. RIP Bobby.

A good tribute here:- -

Days of youth recalled…

It is well known by many that I have cancelled interest in all sports, but this news took me back to an era before I did and it brought a lump to my throat.

And as @DrMarkH said ’ “Where are you from sir?” “Manchester” “Ah! Bobbee Charlton!” ', wherever I went in the world as soon as I revealed that I was born in Manchester and brought up in Nottingham, the cry was always double, Bobby Charlton and Brian Clough. Both great but for very different reasons.

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Brian Clough was actually a very fine footballer in his own right scoring goals at almost a goal a game for both M’boro and Sunderland. A good mate, fanatic Sunderland fan was behind the goal when he broke his leg which ended his career. He played for England but was unlucky to have the likes of Greavesie (God) and others competing for places. He proved to be an equally good coach and pundit.

I was at the Norwich/Leeds game when the news came through.

Only saw BC play once during his final season for Man Utd but did get to meet him many years later at a Sports Dinner and still have the signed menu.

Sitting behind me yesterday was Eddie Gray and BC’s passing got me thinking that there are not many top players from the 60’s/70’s still alive today, Geoff Hurst is now the sole survivor of the 66 World Cup Final team.

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And too many of those that are still alive have Alzheimer’s - Denis Law is a recent addition to that tragic cohort. One has to hope that heading today’s much lighter footballs will reduce this likelihood