Bordeaux, anyone?

Off in a few weeks to France’s ninth largest city.

It will be my first visit so I know little about the place.

Guessing all the action is in the centre of the town, but if anyone has any little gems about places to go ( or avoid) ’twill be much appreciated.

OK, but by train you'll be far too far away from ikea to worry about that. Get a tram map on line to know which one you want at the station. I got on the wrong one when I was going to see one of my medic specialists but luckily was looking out of the tram and realised, all routes are interesting if you are looking around randomly though plus with the multi-trip/day ticket you can hop on and off, switch routes and really get value out of it, although they are cheap enough to begin with.

Many thanks for everyone’s valued input.

Seems like we will be spending much time on the trams- sounds fun.

Will be coming by train, thus speed cameras will not be an issue.

To quote the late great Robin Williams ‘ Why is it called the rush hour when the traffic is stuck?’

Happily, for my blood pressure, there was only one mention of Ikea.

There's a really nice little Italian deli in rue Notre Dame in the Chartrons which has a few tables and they're happy to serve after two. Home made pasta etc. Yum.

Sneaky just like in the UK when they put them behind the bridge supports, like the one on the A38 going into Cornwall near the bottom of a hill. Of course they are "Safety Cameras" nothing at all to do with tax collectors and revenue makers. He types as he falls off his chair laughing.

My friend got caught a few times by the Pont d'Aquitaine camera on the way to the airport. He has now retreated back to the UK, not willingly, but when circumstances dictate. It used to be visable on the road side but I wonder if they have moved it onto the gantry above as I always look for it when taking my wife to the airport, as I will be again tomorrow, and have not spotted it lately.

I do tend to stick to the speed limits though as I am the only driver and as we live in the depths of rural France a car is an essential part of life.

There also appears to be a new one, camera, by the uprated service station going south on the A10 where the new rail line is going in. Aire de Service de l'Estalot so watch out for that, as one of the tall skinny ones, as I used to be 50 years ago but without the yellow and black chevrons.

Getting back on point use the trams, the park and ride is fantastic value. Cheaper than an hours parking at the Cascades Shopping Centre in Portsmouth when you get of the ferry.

Another thing to watch out for is the closure of restaurants at lunch time as no entry after 1.30/2.00 even when people still in there eating. Once before, after trying many places, ended up in McDonalds as it appeared to be the only place we could find that stayed open all day. Sad reflection on a major city and French Cuisine.

The speed camera on the Pont d'Aquitaine is placed so it gets you as you're going downhill and gather speed without thinking about it.

CIVB Conseil interprofessionelle du vin de Bordeaux. The wine bar is their showcase hence the reasonable prices.

Surprised anyone can break the speed limit on the rocade. It's always choked when we use it.

There i,s or was, another camera just before the airport turnoff on the anticlockwise route.

Bordeaux is a fantastic city, I love it and would happily move there myself.

There was a camera on the North side, Paris direction, just before the Lormont exit to the Rocade, but they take it away for a few weeks and then put itback

That's right; there a camera hidden behind the signs as you come off the bridge (Pont d'Aquitaine) towards the airport, & as the bridge is limited at 70 km/h quite a few people get caught out.
However there isn't one as you come off the bridge leaving the airport towards the north & A10

The camera is probably the one on the bridge.

A great way to get around Bordeaux is by using the bikes that are for hire on the streets. Brilliant, you can take them from one spot and then return them somewhere else provided there is a space on the rack. Easy to pay for - just use your debit/credit card and reasonable price.

it's called L'Entrecote, , on the other side of the road ion the corner s a wine bar, CIVB it looks very posh but is quite reasonable in prices.

Making a note of that! Sounds good

La Tupina just inside the city walls near the river. Lunch with chips cooked in goose

or 12000 € if it is a 1945

Wander around the Chartrons, it's the old part of Bordeaux and still relatively untouched though it's going distinctly upmarket. Loads of lovely antique shops. Several of the shops in rue Notre Dame still have the old tessellated tiles on the floors, well worth going in to have a look.

Try and get tickets for something at the Grand Theatre - it's stunning inside.

Place de Parlement is a great spot for lunching and people watching.

Wear comfortable shoes, many of the streets are still cobbled and they can be murder on the ankles.

Use trams or buses to get round, just buy a multi trip card. You can even use this on the boat taxi on the river. The Quais are good for a walk, don't forget Les Hangars for shopping or even Bordeaux Lac, nice retail park or the Carefour retail park at Villenave. In the city centre Rue Saint CAtherine is a must but you start at the expensive end near Grand Theatre and it gets cheaper as you head up to Victoire. Not forgetting the many markets.Lots of culture or a rest and picnic in Jardins Publique.Imight be rambling but Bordeaux is a beautiful city which I love.If you are in the area do not forget a visit to a chateau in Saint Emilion or a visit to the coast at Lacanau or Arcachon. ps there is a nice fish and chip shop now. Happy to tell you more