Boris Johnson sinks to new low?

Marina Warner deserves a medal.
Kick the bastard when he is down.


Hard :+1::rofl:


In the bollocks :astonished::sob::fearful:


Has ā€˜itā€™ any to kick :thinking:

Not hard enough.

He doesnā€™t give a damn about us.

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I donā€™t think Johnson cares about anyone other than himself. If you delve into his personal life it is quite staggering how many women have fallen under his spell, perhaps the good ladies of SFN could tell me what is so appealing about him.

Heā€™s gone too far this time IMO and will suffer a big enough backlash to ensure he gets nowhere near No.10.

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A man that arrogant is very unattractive.
A man that egocentric is very unattractive.
He is a clumsy, ungracious clown but maybe he is wealthy?
Some women are attracted to money.

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:rofl::relaxed::laughing: Iā€™m obviously not a ā€œgood ladyā€ā€¦ as I can see nothing appealing about himā€¦ whatsoeverā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yes Barbara, he is so arrogant and that makes him dangerous.
This type of person is unable to look at themself with any degree of rationality.

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yes dangerous.

For me heā€™s deeply unattractive. :nauseated_face:

He is either very different in private or some women are just attracted to power and wealth.

You could ask the same question about Trump. Heā€™s had some very attractive women including the current Mrs Trump. Itā€™s mystifying to me.

Is it just the money?

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Has to be just the money.


Not His Wit? (Half). :wink:


I really donā€™t know. I couldnā€™tā€¦ not even for the money and the lifestyle. :nauseated_face:

OMG! For a split second I thought you were revealing that Boris had had the current Mrs Trumpā€¦ :joy:

On reflection it wouldnā€™t surprise me if he had, and it might explain why DT and BJ are such close buddies, in a pervy kinda way (IMO) :scream::astonished::zipper_mouth_face:

[On second thoughts, forget I suggested that, it was a crazed aberration. Wasnā€™t it? :thinking:]

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Eeewww!!! Some horrible images in my head now! Thanks for that Pete! :laughing::laughing:


:rofl: U is a Larfff Pete :rofl:

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This on Twitter should go viral
ā€œ Donā€™t call him ā€˜Borisā€™ or ā€˜BoJoā€™ or any other nickname he and his PR people have specifically created to cultivate an image of cuddly familiarity.

Call him Johnson and hold him to account. Anything less is doing this charlatanā€™s work in his self obsessed grab for power.ā€œ

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I prefer BoJo - itā€™s not a compliment or cuddly when I use it :wink:

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