Borrocks to Blexit

Interesting that you mentioned BAME. It is something that I have only recently heard of. I wonder if those people see themselves as having much in common with the others so classified or if it is something imposed on them by people who don’t share the implied characteristics. But maybe they might want to get together and share their identity under a single banner. They could even have their own anthem. I would suggest “There is nothing like a BAME!”
Then I am an old fool and have only just worked out that LGBT is not a sandwich filling.
I feel a bit left out. People who do not belong to any recognized minority are beginning to be in a minority. Perhaps we should all get together and have an acronym and banner of our own? :grin:

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I’m not sure two fairly distinct groups have a very high regard for being bundled together in one acronym but it was a convenient shorthand for my post as they seem to be over-represented in those with severe symptoms from Covid.

And you are definitely behind the times using a mere 4 letters to identify those whose sexuality does not fall neatly into the category of “uncomplicated heterosexuality”.

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You can get also state help to remain independent in your own home in the UK (but you have to surmount quite a few obstacles to get it) and yes, it is probably easier to get that support in France. It’s not these basic survival measures provided by the state I’m referring to, they exist in both countries, but it’s some of the QoL details that get missed out here.

If anyone finds heterosexuality “uncomplicated” they have never lived! :grin:


That’ll be the Caesar dressing.


Only just seen this…

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Interesting that these cases are still going on:

“In the withdrawal agreement, the EU council purported to remove fundamental individual rights from a group of citizens of the European Union, namely UK nationals, without any due process and without any reference to them. In doing so it acted unlawfully.
“EU citizenship is a citizenship like any other, and it confers individual rights on citizens that cannot be taken away by an agreement between governments.”

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I was beginning to think that Thatcher’s curse had come true and we were soon to become “citizens of nowhere.” Is there yet hope?