Braverman's resignation letter - win win 🤭

Braverman received a good kicking from Nick on this morning’s BBC 4 Today programme - around 08.05 gmt.
I’d wager Daily Fail readers are already complaining to the Beeb. Braverman - disingenuous to the core was very deserving. Very entertaining!


The interview, he is really good at the end.


@MichaelL and @Griffin36 - I don’t often listen to Today on BBC Radio 4 these days but that was worth listening to. Thank you for the links.


Interesting times!

I suspect we all anticipate the Tories will lose the next election.

I think the far Right in the Tories - Jenrick, Braverman, Patel etc. - as well as the more reasoning rest of them - have reached the same conclusion, evidenced by the current in-fighting.

They think they’re going to lose, and their sole concern is who will succeed Sunak and where the successor will take the party.

Corrected that for you :yum::grin:

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Ugh she’s appalling. And (very frivolously seeing what a piece of work she is) I don’t like that she says ‘pry minister’ instead of prime minister, and
‘tweak at’ and ‘weigh up on’.
Awful awful person.
The Conservative party really has become a bunch of horrors, shameless carpetbagging snout-in-trough and to hell with the people they are meant to represent and work for (whether they voted for them or not). Absolutely emetic.

Edited because it’s been the case for some time but now it’s as if they were mad. I don’t understand why anyone thinks they are working for the nation when they are so obviously interested only in their internal party power struggles and filling their pockets.


Half the population is below the average IQ as has been proven before :wink:

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Only 43.6% of the electorate voted for the Conservatives, 14m out of the total population of 68m, just being pedantic :wink::yum:

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Umm, not surprising as that’s how averages work - especially the median :slight_smile:

Interesting (but unverified) reference

Which gives the UK median IQ as 99.2, and France as having a median IQ of 96.69 - if we assume that 100 is actually “average” this means that slightly more â€‰than half of Britain’s population is “below average” and quite a few more than that in France I’m afraid.

Though I agree that there are many ill-informed hard-of-thinking people about I’m not sure I really trust those stats, for a number of reasons.
Not everyone is tested for IQ and even those tested don’t always do the same one. People in places where illiteracy is high won’t do well even if they are intelligent. Many of those IQ tests are just a measure of how good you are at doing IQ tests.


Thanks for the heads up, she was filleted, filleted and the filleted again. Nick nailed her as the self serving, rabble rousing arriviste she is :joy:

Last bit of honesty on such a level that I can remember was Johnson being callled a nasty piece of work. Boy, was that an understatement.


Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed that.

My jaw is still dropped by the way she claimed to be advocating policy rather than just using slogans, whilst repeating multiple ones herself. Some might have even been in the same sentence.


We need to lure the great Eddie Mair out of retirement. We need more politician filleters.


It’s all a bit bollox I agree, mostly what IQ tests measure is the ability to pass IQ tests, not necessarily intelligence as such.

What is intelligence anyway? I have known people who were not “book smart” but could problem solve very effectively if given a task and some physical materials (wood, metal) to work with.


I disagree, he isn’t good anywhere.

Just let her continue with no challenge as she calmly stated we need to dis-apply human rights to allow the government to ship people out with no right of appeal, failed to point out that all the Tory’s plans are, in substance, the same one and this is just another variant which won’t work either. Failed to point out that the whole catastrophe is of the government’s deliberate making and the way to stop the small boats is to process claims fairly and swiftly as close to the point of departure as possible, or just in Calais which has been offered and turned down.

No follow up on his (brief) accusations so Braverman gets the last word just denying them all.

Absolutely pathetic :rage:

There are many forms of intelligence and unfortunately intelligence tests only measure one or two of them - for example, not much measuring of musical intelligence or artistic intelligence in an average IQ test.


Completely agree - as I said, at the end of the day, intelligence tests mainly measure how good you are at taking intelligence tests :slight_smile:

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…And the thing I will never forgive is that the Toriea in doing this fiddled while Rome burned ie the UK got the worst Brexit.

Listening to Johnson at the Covid enquiry, it seemed to me that he didn’t really believe he was going to convince his critics. His aim was rather to rally his supporters and make them feel better about his record.


I think he lost credibility when he swore to tell the truth, the whole truth, etc. It all went downhill from there.