Breathalyser kit for your car

I would love to see the gendarmes running a stall in the market - what a great idea! No, same story here Susan - nothing in the supermarkets and my local pharmacie said they wouldn't be getting any stock until October because the fines won't be issued until November.

What happens if they're having nookie in the back of an old banger - he'll be fumbling to put on his compulsory dinner jacket while trying to wheeze into the breathalyser. Very romantic. And exhausting.

so far, after several attempts to buty the ethylotest kits I find that every songle outlet has sold out and I cannot get them was there no idea how many would be needed? Perhaps policestations should have them.....or the police have stalls in the markets....I suppose the french are not capable of thinking out of the box,



They actually believe a drunk person will test himself before taking the road? Irresponsible people will not become more responsible for having a test in the car. I suppose very soon they will have all men wearing condoms at all time, just because some of them sometimes go and rape someone.

We have to carry globes now Finn, I nearly always use the GPS.

Fixed it, don't know why it did that though!

told you it was getting very Inspector Clusa

my insurances here have always allowed others to drive...I have to give them a note stating they are driving with my permission.....but am sure the Gendarme isnt correct...but that may not stop him in November handing out fines for people not carrying a lot of breathalysers..!

They may be called upon to drive BUT what about insurance? The only people who can drive our cars are us not any passengers we may carry, the Gendarme cannot be correct, surely?

As an ex-convent girl, I can assure you they do!!!

Well there is some logic with that....but what if the other passengers are children, blind or dont drive....? and for a gendarme to suggest one per passenger...when this is not law is worrying to say the least...means people getting spot fines for things they havent done about in a bus or coach..? 56 breath tests?

I had the same question about carrying these breathalysers if you are a non drinker...or a nun....? (do nuns drink?)....

A pure guess, Carol, but if the driver fails the self-administered test, then perhaps the passenger might be called upon to drive, so will also have to take the breath test. That is the only way I can apply logic to this!

What? thats insane...who breath tests a passenger? this is beginning to sound like a Cluseau film....

I got stopped yesterday in the Auvergne 63580 for a Controlle. I had everything required including the breathalyser kit. I was told by the Gendarme that it comes into effect in November. They are very cheap just over a Euro, I bought mine in Dumeil. BTW you need 1 per person in the car, so the Gendarme said, can this be correct???

if you use the link that came with your posting...the one I received in my hotmail takes you straight to it...

It's a glitch, Finn, no idea in truth. Best to copy and paste into your browser. Lotsafun - and a bit of light relief from all the seriousness.

Kent that is brilliant! but I could easily spend a whole day fiddling with it and get nothing done...!! thanks for posting it....I think!

This is an alcohol test: If you pass it, you can keep drinking, if not, it's time to stop. Follow the simple instructions below:

1. Click on the link or, if that doesn't behave, copy and paste into your browser:

2. A window will open - click on the man's nose in the window

3. For each time you click on his nose, you can drink another glass of wine.