Brexit is not the only Controversy

Be interesting to see how this pans out… :zipper_mouth_face:

No matter the political history of Rwanda it is quite obvious that English is now the lingua franca!

Ireland seems to be a major stumbling block…

It was always going to be.
How can you negotiate with a country which cannot agree on ruling itself?

Can we please add Brexit to the subjects like reigion and sex not to be raised in conversation over dinner? Sick to the back teeth (or the few that are left) with hearing the arguments, chips on shoulders, but especially the bad feeling and the hatred in many cases, emanating from ALL sides. If we can’t respect each others’ opposing views, let’s be British and talk about the weather :wink:

Unfortunately unlike religion (and possibly sex) ignoring it won’t make it go away.

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[quote=“Bob_Wilkinson, post:5, topic:22766, full:true”] If we can’t respect each others’ opposing views, let’s be British and talk about the weather :wink:

I’ve been surprised, startled even, to discover how often the weather is the starting point for most French conversations, and how thoroughly the topic is pursued before any less important thread is picked up… :thinking::roll_eyes:

Maybe it’s a rural phenomenon, and I do live in Normandy :grinning:

Actually… no matter where we are in France… the weather is perhaps the very first thing that we and our French friends discuss… once all the hugs and kisses are out of the way…:hugs: … so I reckon it is nationwide… and probably/possibly applies to all nationalities as well…

Let’s be British, hold hands and jump off the cliff.

I don’t call it having a chip on my shoulder when I am advised by both the British and French governments to have to apply to change my status by applying for a CDS so that I can continue to live legally in my own home.
What I do call it is unprintable.