Brianna Ghey

So, the murderers identities have been released and sentences handed down.

The boy just seems to have tagged along, persuaded by the girl who seems to have masterminded the attack. He’s supposed to be autistic to some degree and was possibly easy to persuade - anyway 20 odd years (out in 10, presumably) seems to be an adequate length of time to ponder the wisdom of his actions.

The girl, however, carried out a premeditated attack, effectively on a random victim for the sheer pleasure of killing someone. I am not persuaded that she could be rehabilitated and certainly not in just 10 years (i suspect in her case it will be longer in practice before she is considered for parole).

It’s not actually in my nature to suggest locking someone up and throwing away the key - but here that would seem the right response, the sentence seems much too short.


I think you are too nice Billy.

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I’m not as nice as Billy either.

I presume that you would put both of them in the same cell and bury the key, not just throw it away.

Those are minimum sentences, so they will serve their 20 and 22 years in full. Hope they rot!

No, my solution features an abandoned Cornish tin mine with a defective lift.

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I’m a bit surprised by the intensity of your reactions to an “exceptionally brutal murder”.

Were Jenkinson and Ratcliffe born like that, or did we make them like that, I wonder.

Sorry, yes - I mis heard the report this morning.

In which sense - under or over reacting?

Histrionics are rarely useful - FWIW I think it was a heinous crime which certainly deserves appropriate punishment. But deciding on that punishment is not as straightforward - lets not forget hat the perpertrators have effectively destroyed their own lives as well as Brianna’s.

I think the balance of the sentences is about right - the evidence is that there probably was  an element of transphobia where Ratcliffe was concerned, and he certainly stabbed her - it wasn’t just Jenkinson.

The distinction is that I am left with the impression, right or wrong, that Ratcliffe would not have done this alone, they egged each other on certainly but it seems to have been Jenkinson who was the prime mover - plus she had been involved with an earlier incident whereas I don’t think Ratcliffe had.

So - I think it might be possible to release Ratcliffe at some point. Jenkinson however took perverse pleasure in killing and in being seen to be a killer. I do not think it would ever be safe to release her.

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Seems the judge in this case feels it is in the public interest to make a matter of public record releasing the names of the convicted 16 year old murderers, somewhat contrary to the usual anonymity of minors.

From what I could gather of the judge’s very long summing up, the girl murderer is an out and out liar and quite likely a psychopath. If she really has such a brain deformity, for which there is no certain or reliable cure, it would surely be best for the public that she remain incarcerated for the rest of her life.

The boy may indeed be just intellectually challenged, for which there is no cure. I’m sure the prison system will supply him with plenty more idols to imitate.

As it stands, aside from doling out punishment, justice is entwined with a social recycling system. A conviction leads not only to incarceration but also the possibility of rehabilitation and eventual freedom. Perhaps there will be in the future a way that AI can assist in analysing the effect and success, or not, of all rehabilitations.

The danger in using AI may be in that some day soon it might be able to identify some crimes, and those who commit them, that will upon conviction be deemed to never have the remotest chance of being rehabilitated and freed into society. What is then to be done with all those permanent prisoners?

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The psych report said not. But I’m very sympathetic to your view.

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Whatever the correct label, she certainly is a wrong’un who enjoys killing people for no other reason than it gives her pleasure. Psychopath or not. I wouldn’t want her in my village.

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That’s not clear - apparently he even managed to pass some GCSE’s (no idea how many or what grade) in remand and even wants to try for some A’ levels.

It was said that he is autistic spectrum which is not (necessarily) the same thing as “low intellect”.

They’re children still, and were when they committed their horrible crime. But how did they come to be like that?

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Quite, and we should not loose sight of that - as I said they have thrown their own lives away as well as Brianna’s and we should acknowledge that loss as well (but only a little - they are responsible for this tragedy after all).

A very pertinent question.

Transcripts of text messages and 999 calls - grim reading, I’m afraid.

And they denied murder, did no one explain what murder was?

I guess it’s “standard form” for a defence plea.

Std form for the Baristers briefing maybe?

I see the UK gutter press are splashing photos of the murderers on their front pages. The Telegraph is going with a headline about Girl X having a lust for fame that led to her committing the crime.

They really shouldn’t have been named. Even Brianna’s father has changed his opinion on this now.

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As others have noted, naming and focus on the assailants redirects all he attention from where it should rest, for the victim.

Absolutely. I was too flippant. He is still a horror who can forcefully and repeatedly shove a knife into a living person so clearly missing a sensitivity chip. There are many people in society with various aspects of neuro divergency but they don’t all turn to murder.

Not that society should try, there may well be no definitive answer.

The girl has recorded history, having tried to poison a ‘friend’ at her previous school. There may actually be more attempts that have not come to light.

A major question would be why was such behaviour not recognised and dealt with more seriously. What if anything does the role of parents have in the escalating evolution? Brianna should not so horribly have lost her innocent life.

There is a strong and urgent argument for more active monitor of social media and online correspondence. We may not be able to shut down the dark web but AI could provide a more proactive monitor in real time. Chat lines and membership forums also throw up the odd ‘oddities’.

Perhaps all of us will need to forgo our right to privacy in order to catch the dangers hiding amongst us.

Understanding why and how murderers and other criminals come into being is a long study. Preventing danger to innocents is immediate and with the help of AI could be within reach now.

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