Bugs help please!

Hi all. These bugs (stink bugs?) are driving me insane! I don’t have a problem with them staying in the garden but they seem determined to find their way into the house and are queuing up on my French doors. It has got to the stage where I have to keep doors and windows shut to keep the little f_____s out! Any advice would be very gratefully received.

Don’t squash them. The smell will attract hundreds more, as well as being horrid.

Just sweep them upand remove them, and eventually they will go. What will be important is to clean nooks and crannies around openings in winter to get rid of eggs for next year.

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I haven’t been squashing them. Just removing them with tissue. But it’s becoming VERY tedious! :woozy_face:

Try the henry hoover :joy: I take it you dont yet have the mesh screens over doors and windows?

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A powerful vacuum cleaner gets rid of them.

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Use a cheap “workshop” bagged vacuum and have a second hose venting the exhausted air out of the nearest door or window.

Bugs gone. No smell inside.

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No, unfortunately.

I don’t have a bagged vaccuum. Just a Shark cordless.

That, I do have!

That will do nicely….suck ‘em up and empty a way away.

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You can also spray an insecticide repellant around the door and window frames (after clearing them first, of course).

We haven’t yet had our massive wave of over-wintering refugees, as they tend to wait until October/November (presumably some temperature-based signal). So far, only one or two have been found inside.

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Any particular insecticide you recommend?

We found some stuff a few years ago in a spray bottle format at Mano Mano, but I can’t remember the name unfortunately. It came out as a whitish-looking suspension, seemed to work pretty well, and had good covering power. Made sure to wash my hands afterwards of course, and it would probably be advisable to wear gloves as well, but we only had to do it every other year after the first application.

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Or you could buy a trap. If it’s anything like the one we have for box moth you’ll have to empty it regularly.


That’s sounds good - will look into it.:blush:


My sympathies to everyone who suffers with these. We have the same problem, this year seems to be worse! For some reason they absolutely love our house. I use Acto Insecticide Facades et Terrasses which works extremely well. Just spray on all window frames, doors and walls when it’s cool and hoover up in the semi dead critters in the morning. It’s a real pain but at least they don’t bite😂.


PS. Lavender, citronella, mint etc do not work! They crawl around on my lavender plant, my pockets of lavender and also the mosquito geraniums! Neem oil sprayed on shrubs does help but the pong is not too nice particularly when it is hot.

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They are definitely much worse this year. Will have a look for that insecticide. Thanks for the recommendation.

Welcome to the group :blush: