Buying unusual seeds

Have you tried for seeds. They are English suppliers based in France.

Having looked through all the seed suppliers I can find in France, I still haven’t been able to beat Kokopelli for range - I love kale and they have dozens of them. Also I am getting amazing germination rates. I dodn’t know why people don’t use them unless it is because they are a bit odd! I found them via the RealSeeds company in the UK

The seeds or the people not using them :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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ooops… That couldhave been better phrased :rofl:

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Except they don’t have kalettes!!

Well that’s a word I didn’t know. I do now.

I gather you prefer those to other kales? I’m a fan of the Russian one and also dwarf curly when I can get it.


Text messaging with a friend last night and she said “je vais dépouiller à 19h45”. Not a word I know. Looked it up and none the wiser as why on earth would she tell me she was going to strip off at 7.45pm? TMI!! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Much hilarity on phone today, as she was going to empty ballot boxes and count votes! You “dépouiller les urnes”. So there’s another word for the day…(well it is for me).

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Hi, I know this is a bit of an old post to reply to, but did you manage to find tenderstem broccoli here? I have ordered them to my mum in UK but not sure they will get her from her post Brexit.
Thanks :slight_smile:

We got them from a Dutch supplier, via UK, but now not available. You can find something similar, but because Tendersweet is an F1 Hybrid there is no way to propogate them.

Just reporting in regarding seeds, having placed an order with the delightfully named Bingenheimer Saatgut. I like the company ethos (all organic and a good vibe) but postage prices are huge. I’ll report back on seed quality.

I’ve just also noticed that Chiltern Seeds in the UK now says it delivers to Europe. Has anyone tried them from France? They have all sorts of weird things in the seed line…

Angela, I’m no longer in France so can’t help on that score, but I regularly buy from them and find the quality excellent

Thanks Debby! I used to buy from them donkeys’ years ago - in fact they were recommended to me by my mother so we must be talking…er… at least 40 years :scream:
I still have some strange (indoor) succulents I grew from a mixed pack , possibly as far back as then.

Good to know they are still going (the company, not the succulents!) :smiley:

I’ve used them to buy some Erigeron Karvinskianus (Mexican Daisy) seeds.
Service was reasonably quick, but I was a bit disappointed by the quanity received.

@AngelaR - really helpful alert that Chiltern Seeds will now send items to France. We’ve recently bought all sorts of unusual (veg) seeds through them, which we couldn’t find in France…we had to have the seeds delivered to UK friends address, for them to bring over.

Don’t rely on my word @George1 ! I was just reading their website and that’s what they say - it’s yet to be tested :smiley: If you get there before I do, please do let us know how you get on!

Any seeds I’ve bought in the last couple of years in the UK have been in tiny amounts compared to what you used to get. We’re well into a recession.

You could try emailing them Angela, they should confirm if they do. If you don’t get a reply quickly let me know and I’ll try from here. The quantity of seeds varies on variety @Nigel-at-BUF-House and I think they only try to send quality rather than quantity, unlike some companies.

If it’s these people, I only get these options when I try to checkout, so I would guess still not Europe. But it’s definitely worth someone perhaps getting in touch.

Oh b*****r :frowning_face: Another site where the delivery details aren’t up to date! So they’ll deliver to countries in EFTA but can’t to the EU? It would match what I’ve been told by other non-mainstream companies…

However, I shall take up your and @Debby_Wade 's suggestion and email them. I’ll report back