Calling all bloggers!

I know there are loads of you out there! Most SFN members seem to have a blog and yet our blogroll page (which acts as a directory of all the members personal blogs), is looking a bit sad....

You can find the page here

If you'd like to add your blog to the list, all you need to do is post a link in this thread and I will do the rest.

Please let me know which category you'd like your blog listed in or if you require a new heading. I'd also like to start a weekly blog promotion slot so if anyone has any thoughts on this, please do share.


I know, way too many and I haven't listed all of them :-) might be time to focus a little better! Perhaps a New Year resolution for 2014, especially now Google have changed all their algorithms.

Thank you for letting me know about this! I'm working on my very first blog, and this is one of the places I will post it!

LOL - Do you think you maybe you don't have enough blogs Brian? ;)

Looks like something for almost everyone!

I can't see mine, probably need spec-savers.

French wildlife and beekeeping.

A blog about French wildlife with a wide focus on French species, conservation, habitat management including keeping honey bees and honey production managed organically in a sustainable manner.


Hi - this is my link - it is about our life in france

Thank you!!

Hi Catharine - I would like to add mine. Is it ok if I have 2? (I actually have more but I'm trying to focus. :) (Online Marketing & Webdesign) (Tour Guide)



Music Blog -

Life in France blog

Book Publishing Blog

Web marketing blog

Website design blog

Gardening blog

Dog Care blog

I have more but I think that is probably enough for now :-)

Will add you Rosie!

Just looked wonder where is??

Hi Catharine,

I do like the idea of a weekly Blog Promo, if you need a bespoke motif, do let me know. I think a starting point for novices like myself is a must. Clearly there are many topics apparent in the SFN groups which show a synergy with other fellow SFNers topics. Therefore a little mutual following/commenting would be great, assuming that is allowed.

I am mindful of this right I have made a blunder. I 'followed' a Blog promising a no strings legal torrent of followers. This is exactly what has happened, my Logo-train Blog is swamped with ( poor quality ) commentators. I don't know if this an automated system, or a team of call centre type 'followers', frankly I don't know how to stop it right now...I have just stopped approving the comments. Hoping that is the right thing to do. I have researched the 'who is' all stacks up.

Hi, If I may, this Blog is for some friends who are Members of SFN and I will drop out as Admin once they are a little further forward with their newly launched business.
The topic is Finance

Hello. This Blog is all about Logos

and this is about my favourite topic MOI! ( Design-food-music-art )