Calling all Yanks, wish you put THAT in the moving container?

I was being a bit factious, American cars are difficult to register here.

I know. That’s why I’m amazed he is bringing two over especially as one of them will not conform in any way.

I imported and registered an American car but luckily it was over 30 years old and therefore straightforward.

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That’s a classic… :grin::grin:

Definitely not for the whole house, maybe individual or a couple of things depending on the load of the appliances. If possible, leave as much as you can in the USA and replace with French. sell them, just enter power converter in their search engine. A 1kw converter is about €80, 3kw €150 so it could get expensive.

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If you have time, would you post an update on how your move is going? Hope all is well. :slight_smile:

Here’s an update to our move. Looks like we’ll finish out the year in L.A. at least. I’ve been purging things in the house, next on the list: photographs, do we really need ALL of them? I think not.

Anyway, we are thinking next year for the move. There are a few details that have to be ironed out. Too many things to mention, don’t want to bore anyone writing them here.

I’d like to throw something out there:
I heard it’s a must to get my Carte de Redidant BEFORE going over, for I want to work in France. Note: I’ve been married to my French hubby for 8 years, CdSejour is for less time at a pop. I’ve heard that if you try to get it in France, they make you go back to the States, get it, then re-enter France. l welcome any feedback if anyone has experience with this.

Hi Kirsten,

Good to hear from you!!

Great question. I wonder if the French consulate (Washington DC email: would be helpful? You might send an email about this, to them, and see what you think of their response - if you haven’t done this already. Sorry, I don’t know the answer but I’d be interested to learn what you find out.

Onward with the purge; you might want to transfer all of your photos to digital, if they’re in hardcopy format. That way, you can have them on your computer and can scan through and purge or keep, and it’s even easier.

Just a mention, Mary, of the French love of bleach. Almost all bathroom and kitchen cleaning materials seem to contain the dreaded javel. It’s avec javel, this, that and the other. And it bleaches everything it touches, clothes, shoes, parquet floors, furniture, you name it javel leaves its cruel, cruel stigma.

Beware javel! It whitens white cotton sheets AND ALL ELSE WITHIN ITS DRIPPY, SLOPPY, MISTY AND EXTENSIVE REACH :space_invader::space_invader::space_invader::space_invader::space_invader:

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I’ll second that about bleach…hate the stuff…not kind to animals who may walk on it and then lick it off their paws and not kind to fosse septiques…first cleaning product I ever bought here was avec javel and just about ripped my lungs out at the first spray…guaranteed to make me cough…not something I ever used in uk…that was it…straight back to the supermarket for something “sans javel”

I like white vinegar for certain surfaces and also the range of sanytol products available here…once you know the word for bleach…javel…then it becomes much easier to identify those without…sans javel…x :slight_smile: