Can anybody recommend a french ready meal?

Never really found a decent ready meal TBH although Lidl used to do a fresh Lasagne that was far better than any of the other supermarket offerings. I think they still do it but its far too big for me now and I don’t like freezing stuff as its never the same again. Some of the choucroute prepared dishes are OK but I am a home cook and always found/find that making from scratch is cheaper and far tastier than a cardboard box offering.

This is a good point. You can just freeze potato or veg puree type things and just reheat them when needed. I’m hankering after some of those new ‘giant ice cube’ silicon trays for that. Perhaps with an egg as you suggest, or bits of cheese grate or a small tin of fish or other protein leftovers. Remember when blocks of cooked porridge or polenta were kept over a few days and just sliced off and used when needed?

I’ve struggled to find decent potatoes here for years though. What there are have been very expensive and often expensive regardless of so much of them being unusable.

Most of us like to cook…
but it’s useful/helpful to have a few suggestions for readymade/frozen/tinned food which can be used to feed the family/whoever if “the cook” is not feeling well enough… :wink:

Duck parmentier, I make my own an freeze it but commercial versions are available in the freezer section of most larger supermarkets.


I keep several packs of chinese noodles in the cupboard which are quick to cook and add to other ingredients and bit of soy sauce and a star anise for flavour. Tinned bean sprouts add the crunch and anything else you have to hand.

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+=[quote=“CaptainMorgan, post:44, topic:11397”]
Duck parmentier,

Confit de canard is another one, you don’t even need to freeze it - if it’s vacuum packed in its own fat, it’ll keep for a couple of months in the fridge. Then 15 minutes in a hot oven (220+ fan) to warm it up and crispen the skin.

However, at the other extreme of this thread, I confit six duck legs every third week (which takes two days) then vac seal them till needed. Why? because mine aren’t as dry as those of the local butchers.


I didn’t know there was such a thing.

Think they’re called “Mungo beans” in France t

Brandade tends to be ok if one chooses brands that are high in fish.

Yes I tried several of those and found them all to be mostly instant potato with a very small amount of anything resembling fish. Obviously the more you pay and lesser known makes would be better but unfortunately budget dosn’t allow for many luxuries these days. Same with Hachis Parmentier and too much industrial style instant mash.

Not ones for cooking in our house but can thoroughly recommend the several prepared dishes offered at Grand Frais. Salmon risotto, Salmon Parmentier, Colin fillets etc.


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Haricots Mungos! Indeed they are available but distinctly few and far between - none of our local supermarkets stock them, although SuperU stock a jar of bean sprouts with other Chinese-y veg called, I think “Salade Chinoise”. We use it quite a bit for things like egg fried rice for a quick and easy meal.

Mung bean sprouts!

So lovely. Wok cook for only seconds with a little oil and Teryaki sauce. Stays crunchy.

Available at Grand Frais in packets good for 2. Or one very hungry :stuck_out_tongue:

Caveat - mung bean sprouts are not soybean sprouts but look very very similar

*Women with estrogen-positive breast cancer should probably avoid soybean sprouts, because they contain plant hormones that may stimulate the growth of their tumors.

Actually I buy brandade from our butcher, it’s scooped out of a tub- I think it’s his own 'brand’ade (sorry!). He also sells stockfish (wind dried cod) which is a traditional local delicacy and much less hassle than dried, salted morue.

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I find it fascinating, just what is on offer locally… neighbours generally point me in the right direction and, after that, it’s up to me… a voyage of discover which rarely disappoints… :slight_smile:

Hope you’re feeling better now @Jane_Williamson :grin:

Thanks Gareth, just resting now.

Or 1 kg packets :slightly_smiling_face: