Hello, I'm just starting to register as an AE, I have started doing it online as it appears to be the most straightforward and quickest method.
At the start I put commercant (buying and selling) because I buy old wine barrels and then will be mainly selling my products at fairs/markets and via the internet, but I've now been worrying that I need to put artisan because I actually make the products myself from old wine barrels. I'm not going to be making much money as I will only be working part time and at a few markets and fairs per year. Those who have experience, I'd really appreciate your input as to which one to choose please? I'd prefer to keep things simple and easy.
Also, does anyone have any experience with Harmonie Mutuelle? Or is it more straightforward to choose the RAM of Languedoc Roussillon?
Also, and I'm really sorry if this has been asked before but what does "Vous relevez du régime fiscal micro (BIC ou spécial BNC) " mean to me? I am concerned that if I tick the wrong box I will be in trouble!
Go with commercant as you will pay a lower rate of tax as an AE - 15 point something % rather than 26% - this is to allow for the cost of buying the wine barrels I suppose as you can't offset your costs.
I just wanted to warn everyone that registering as an AE has changed significantly in the last year. Everyone who registers will now have to attend a compulsory course called Le Stage de Préparation à l’installation and in some cases you are responsible for paying for the course. It become compulsory from January 2015 but some regions have started to make it compulsory now and the cost in the Tarn and Garonne is €295 and they will not complete/ accept your AE registration until the course is completed. I contacted Valerie Lemerie who runs Start a Business in France and she is an experienced business adviser in France. This was her response to the fact that I asked if they could enforce the course prior to January 2015.
'Le Stage de Préparation à l’installation is supposed to be compulsory from 1st Jan 2015. But in some areas the Chambre de Metiers have already decided to implement it, and it’s impossible to cancel the bills. You can still question whether it should already be charged for… just in case. For example it’s still free in Normandy - but they are charging for it in Chambery.'
As this thread has been started I felt the need to mention this to anyone considering registering as an AE, particularly if your French is not up to scratch. Anyone wavering at the moment may want to consider this point before January 2015 and checking with the chamber of commerce if it is already compulsory in their area. Incidentally the reason I know about this is because I have tried to register someone recently and this was raised when the AE application was going for consideration. You should also be aware that they are stricter regarding types of registrations and are now asking for assemented translated proof of your qualification to register for any job that they deem to require skill to do. eg; painting, manufacturing of goods etc....
Here is a very useful site that will give you the definition of all the status like Eirl. Click on to each tab and you can see the differences.
Thank you, I’ve actually managed to do it online and all well so far, I’ve received my Siren and Siret numbers and the URSSAF have written telling me that they’ve sent off to the various bodies to register me. We’ve lived here 8 years already so I have good French so if I do need to visit one of the offices, I can hopefully avoid taking someone with me. I already have a CV via my husbands job so hopefully it’ll stay simple and I can just transfer my healthcare from CPAM to RSI…famous last words!
From my own experience, registration on line is frustrating and often unsuccessful. Go to your local CMA, register with them, then take all the paperwork to RSI office( with a couple of copies of everything) to register for CV. You will probably need to have certified translations of birth / marriage certificates, though some departments are slacker than others apparently. If you only have a limited grasp of French, its also helpful if you can take someone more fluent to help out, as the average RSI people seem to avoid any attempt at speaking English. It is their country after all! I personally opted for SMIP now called UMCAPI) as the health care provider based on reccomendations from other AE's. I had my attestion in about 4 months, with the actual CV taking another 5 months. Hope that is of use, good luck with the business.
When registering for AE the first time as someone who is not French, you will not have a 'numéro de Sécu' (Social Security Number).
Simply put a zero "0" in for the number. That signifies they will generate one for you.
It will change as you start the battle to get your Carte Vitale. You will get a temporary one, and after 18 months of pulling your hair out, swearing that absolutely every French person's parents were not married at the time of their birth and threatening RSI with EU sanctions, you'll get your permanent one.
The CFE is the Centre de Formalities d'Entreprise. They have one at the CCI and one at the Chambre de Metiers. Go and visit the correct one and they will do it for you (for free I believe). CCI for commercants and profession liberal and C de M for trades and services.
CPAM only provides health cover for salaried/unemployed people. RSI is Regime Social des Independants and provides health cover for self employed workers. You pay the cotisations to RSI and then choose RAM, Harmonie etc actually who will re-imburse you when you make a claim. Certain professions liberals make their payments to URSSAF though although it is RSI who administers everything.
Simples! NOT - it is confusing but hopefully I have given you enough to start working with.
Also, if you are creating things from barrels you are artisan not commercant I would have thought. Commercants simply buy and re-sell, you are adding value.
I tried to register online after reading that it was a very easy process. Like you I was confused. I went to the URSAFF office , waited 10mn and 15mn later I was registered as an auto-entrepreneur without any headaches. So I recommend you do the same. Good luck!
I really don’t have a clue with that one, sorry, I was registered under CPAM before with my previous employer so I already had a social security number.
As you say, at least you’ve registered for something! I was a bit in the dark with a lot of the questions, so many acronyms! I’m just waiting for some paperwork now!