Cancer Support France

Hi folks, I’ve only just found this group. I’m only too happy to help anyone in my area (or over the phone/by email if you’re not) who might be struggling with the language or just wants to let off some steam. I spent most of last year doing the whole operation/chemotherapy/radiotherapy thing with breast cancer, and battling with all the French bureaucracy that went with it. I’m not a health expert, but am always happy to lend an ear.

The CSF National AGM will be held at the Salle des Associations in Benest (16350) on Thursday March 17th from 11am. Doors open at 10h00 when coffee will be available. It is an open meeting, so if you are in striking distance, you are more than welcome. There is the opportunity for lunch at the local restaurant, “La Charrette”. Please book directly by March 13th. Telephone. 05 45 30 04
Price 11,95€ for full menu. In the afternoon our new webmaster will be giving a presentation on website developments, including a new e-shop.
Hope to see one or two of you there.

It is good to see new members joining this group. At the moment there is little activity, so I wondered whether you had any wishesabout what we could do together? Do post your ideas.
Here is advanced notice of this years Awareness Week - it will be in September from 24th -30th. The idea is to raise awareness of Cancer Support France through events, publicity etc.Perhaps we could begin by discussing the sort of activities that may be good opportunities for promoting the work of CSF?
Best wishes,

Welcome to the new members of this group. It is good to see the word spreading. Making sure CSF is widely known is really important. Are there any SFN members in the Lyon region? We have a new contact there who is beginning to research whether there is a need for an association to form there. Do touch base with me if you are interested.

Have a good weekend one and all wherever you are.


Hi Sue,
Sorry you feel bombarded by rules and regs… I thought we had evolved beyond that!
Each association sets out its own statutes, and is independent. All we ask is that if you have chosen to afilliate to CSF you follw the rules on confidentiality, boundaries and ensure all your active listeners are trained to the same high standards as every one else.
As an ‘umbrella’ group CSF National is there to support your association, but it is hard to do if we don’t know what you need. So please talk to us! It may be that some wires have got crossed somewhere along the line…
As for other CSF associations being part of SFN, it may be that since the CSF Forum itself is very active, people don’t feel the need to contribute to this one- I will see that a mention is made in the next Touchlines magazine.
Here is the link:
LInda (National President)

Hi Sara
I think you may be in the Languedoc CSF group in which case I gather it is quite large. Our group is very small and we are finding all the bombardment with rules and regs from National quite daunting and a bit scary financially. Have you been in touch with any other groups to see if they wish to join SFN (I note there is very little activity and few members) or how they feel about the new set-up? Vendee, Creuse and Deux Sevres are also very small groups.

Thank you for that information Sue, you never know when it may be of help to someone.

I am a member of the Coeur de France group which covers Allier, Cher and Nievre, but I am also an altenative therapist and have studied nutrition so can give advice on diet if required.

Halloween Dinner Dance - in aid of CSF - Languedoc branch is being held in Clermont L’Herault on Saturday 6th of November. Rock and roll band, dressing up in silly outfits, 3 course meal with wine and coffee all for 25 € per person.
Please come and support us. To book your ticket and for full information, please email me:
Thanks for your interest.

Hello Caroline, thank you for sharing your story with us. I am truly sorry to hear about your little girl. I had no idea that babies could contract their Mothers cancer while in the womb, that must of been a truly terrible time for you. So glad you have your miracle daughter and I am sure she brings you a lot of joy. Please help spread the word about CSF, to help others with this devistating disease.

Hi Caroline
I’m so glad to hear that you survived and so very sorry to hear that you had to go through the pain of losing your daughter. C x

Hi Sara
i’m really pleased that you have set this group up here and we will help you promote it however we can. When you get a minute, please change the avatar for something more appealing than the three horrid purple people! If cancersupport france has a logo you could use that? Or whatever you feel is appropriate? Best wishes
Catharine x

Hi everyone,

I know this group hasn't been active in years, but I'd like to get involved and help if I can. The closest branch to me seems to be in Lyon - is there nothing at all in Isère? Kind regards, Karen