Car Insurance

We split our time between the UK and France, around 50/50, so we have had significant problems getting insurance for our (UK registered and taxed) car that permits us being in France for long periods. The only cover we can get is from Saga, which is very pricey. It's been suggested that we insure normally for the full year in the UK and then duplicate with a French insurer to get cover in France. At first glance this looks cheaper than our current arrangement, but is it a) doable and b) legal? Any thoughts?

Just rang AXa and they say can't do extended cover? Do you go to them online or through a broker?

you can get extended uk insurance cover to drive beyond your 90 day basic limit in eurpoe. check with your insurance company, axa uk do it as iam with them.

Hi Keith

Surprised you think Saga was expensive. When we first moved here, before re-registering the cars, we switched to Saga because they didn't limit the time the car was out of the UK. It was also dirt cheap - half the cost of our previous insurers in the UK.


PS - we brought two cars over, and we both had max NCD.