Carte de séjour change of address

It’s now been six months since I registered a change of address for my carte de séjour article 50 on ANTS and apart from a confirmation email that I received shortly afterwards (with no reference number or anything on it) I’ve not heard a peep.

Has anybody else changed their address? If so, how long did it take for you to receive an updated card?

Am I being unreasonable expecting it to have arrived by now? I see driving licenses are at an 8 month wait…

I’m just wondering… this “change”
was it because you physically moved house ??
or due to the “adressage” thingy coming into play throughout France… where one gains a property number and road name… ??

Edit: I’ve not seen your reply… or perhaps you missed my question… ???

Try again. I registered my new address to get a sticker for the carte grise for the car last July. Nothing heard, did it again, nothing heard apart from both times an email with a ref number acknowledging the demand. Still nothing. Anyway left it alone and three weeks or so ago decided to try again - four days later the sticker arrived! I have decided not to change the address on my CDS because of all this bulls**t online stuff and will wait. Its too precious to let go and it maybe possible to do it locally but we havn’t been down that route yet. The ANTS application site is deplorable hence why people give up.

I think there’s a 3 month delay for foreigners be careful. If the right box isn’t ticked means more paperwork and maybe withdrawal of rights and benefits for a while.

I’m in the process of doing it. Didn’t go via ANTS but direct to the new préfecture. A couple of weeks after submitting a couple of documents got a rdv at préfecture for fingerprinting (again). Was told it would be 3 - 4 weeks until they’re ready - simple process.


Thanks for that, my son did his pre-brexit and they just put a sticker on his TDS with his new address on it. That ANTS site has put me off completely using it and I did not know it was for CDS either, thought it just for motoring things. Will have to find out about prefecture locally as don’t even know where it is or how to get there. Just hope its not the region prefecture where you go for nationality questioning etc as that is over two hours away and I could not get there.

Apologies, completely forgot I posted this. Thanks for your replies.

So, it might be better to head down to the prefecture directly? Silly questions but 1. Which department would I need to go to? 2. Does one usually need to make an appointment and 3. How does one go about this?

You go to your department préfecture we site, look on the menu (sorry - cant remember exactly where it is) for the “CdS/etranger” pages and there is a section for change of address. You will need to upload a justification, eg EDF attestation, your existing CdS (both sides) and your passport photograph page.

They will get back to you if you haven’t done it correctly (or to their satisfaction ) and eventually they will make the appointment for you to physically go there.

Tried sending the request again on ANTS and it says I can’t as there’s already a ‘demande en cours’.

Weirdly my prefecture’s website gives information on how to do it by post if you live in the other ‘arrondissements’ of the department but not the one I live in. Pffffft I will send them an email