Carte de Séjour - Family Member of EU citizen -feedback

Sorry to read you had to shell out 200 euro unnecessarily, I’m assuming there was no explanation from the administrators of why @george1 's printout was being rejected. At least you didn’t have to pay the parking…

My main point is that whilst there’s been a bit of a debate about the first tax return being on-line, I think the consensus is the first return has to be a paper one, even if you have an online tax number? But it’s really just like online, perhaps even easier? E.g. if you have any, you can just give a list of foreign bank accounts in a format that mirrors the form, rather than fill in loads of online fields. Enjoy.

That’s certainly my understanding. When I first arrived, I visited my local Trésorérie and they were very, very helpful. My first returns were on paper but online in every subsequent year.

You can do first declaration on line now, you just have to jump through a hoop to set up your space first

Votre avis sur le site

Comment déclarer ?

  • Vous recevez un courrier des Finances Publiques :

Vous pouvez déclarer vos revenus sur le site si vous avez reçu un courrier de l’administration fiscale avec les informations nécessaires à la déclaration en ligne. Dans ce cas, vous devez créer votre espace particulier en ligne avec le numéro fiscal et le numéro d’accès fournis. Cliquez sur « votre espace particulier » pour créer votre compte et laissez-vous guider. Vous devez choisir un mot de passe et saisir un revenu fiscal de référence égal à « 0 ».

Si vous n’avez pas reçu ou si vous avez perdu le courrier, vous pouvez quand même déclarer en ligne grâce aux démarches ci-dessous.

La création de votre espace particulier nécessite la vérification de votre identité pour vous délivrer des identifiants.
Vous devez communiquer votre état civil, une adresse postale et la copie d’une pièce justificative d’identité à votre Centre des Finances Publiques :

  • soit au guichet
  • soit par courrier postal

Votre identité vérifiée, un courriel vous sera adressé, vous indiquant que vous pouvez créer votre espace particulier en renseignant votre numéro fiscal et votre date de naissance, depuis la page d’authentification du site

Vous devrez alors saisir votre adresse mail et un mot de passe que vous aurez choisi. Vous recevrez un courriel contenant un lien sur lequel vous devrez cliquer, dans un délai de 8 heures, pour valider l’accès à votre espace particulier.

Conservez bien vos identifiants (numéro fiscal et mot de passe) pour vos prochaines connexions.
Une fois votre espace créé, vous pourrez accéder au service de déclaration en ligne.

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You know, when we were at the tax office - at the cash desk - we made reference to the lack of Mme’s tax return processing and the lady at the desk set her up online then (and there)! Hurrah, after only two years…

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Just checking… On your CdS under “Remarques” does it actually bear the words
“carte de sejour de membre de famille d’un citoyen de l’Union/EEE/Suisse”… blah blah blah


@JaneJones I wonder if there might be a difference between what Impôts say on line, and what they may do in practice (as if!).

I had followed (last year) near identical online guidance to the one you’ve helpfully posted, before my first tax return filing. I was also personally assured in writing by the local office that I had done all the necessary admin steps to be able to file (and indeed they seemed a bit cross I was even asking). Then come the day I actually logged in to do the return, a notice duly popped up to say in effect "first year filers have to file on paper’ I queried this immediately with the local office who reported that they were as surprised as me, but that this was a last minute edict from on high.

Of course this might have been a one year 2022 wonder, but I can’t help thinking that @geoffrey_Croshaw might find the same experience. I recall the consequences are fairly minor, other than for reasons best known to the Impôts, the forms needed for filing (available ironically online!) are often made available only fairly late in the day. Paper filers unfortunately have to file earlier than online ones (around 18 May this year from memory).

Excellent question Stella. Very interesting to see what Geoffrey reports back with…

Yes it does. When I was given the card I actually tried to read it as I 've never seen one before but they were obviously jokingly impatient to get rid of me. On reflection I may have done better to have waited another hour for my name to be called instead of going for the fast service!

It may not appeal to Geoffrey but personally I’d be very tempted to write to the Prefecture, explain what had happened, and enclose the ‘official’ page I previously posted that shows the EU family members CdS is free, and ask for a refund of the 200€ tax. There is little to lose, and much € to gain… interesting to see if others take the same view.

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I agree. Once one has the card I think no harm in making ‘un recours gracieux’ to the préfecture . It is after all the French way to pay even if not in agreement with the bill and reclaim later.

I would send a flowery letter enclosing the article about it being free, via recorded post.

(making ‘un recours gracieux’ Is one of my favorite phrases as sounds so delicate!)

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Here is a model that you can insert the specific info into, For a refusal, but just alter phrases

Prénom NOM
Code postal – Ville
Numéro de téléphone
Adresse E-mail

(On right side of page) Lieu, date,prefecture

Objet : demande de recours gracieux

Madame, Monsieur,

Par la présente, je me permets de solliciter un recours gracieux dans le cadre de [précisez le contexte]. En effet, vous m’avez informé(e) par un courrier datant du [date] que [indiquez la nature du refus ou du problème constaté : refus de demande de domiciliation et problèmes que cela a entrainé].

Or, [précisez les arguments en votre faveur : base légale, jurisprudence]. Au vu de ces quelques informations, j’estime que votre décision est injustifiée et vous invite à la revoir dans les meilleurs délais.

Dans l’attente d’une réponse que j’espère favorable à ma requête, je vous prie d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur, mes salutations distinguées.


would you mind telling us what is written on your CdS ??? to see if it is the same as @geoffrey_Croshaw 's


I attach a copy in French of the EU Regulations that in Article 25 states that CdS etc should either be free or no more than the cost of an ID card for nationals of the state issuing the CdS. I believe the latter are free in France.

EU Directive 2004 38 FR.pdf (170.1 KB)

Screenshot of English version fyi

@Stella Here is the reverse side of my CdS for EU family members

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Does the reverse of your CdS look something like the one shown by @George1 ???

Yes it is

I have to admit that getting back my 200€ is not at the top of my list of priorities as I have too many other important issues to deal with but as George and Jane have made it so easy then I shall try to find time to send a letter as suggested.
So who would I address the letter to? Also I would be grateful if Jane could post an English translation of her template.
Thanks as usual for all the advice given

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Subject to comments from anybody else, the Préfecture in Charente (if this is your prefecture) has the following suggested link for correspondence in connection with cartes de séjour…You can paste in the updated model letter into this…

Nous contacter - Les services de l'État en Charente

Google Translate is your friend. For a quick, rough and ready translation of Jane’s model, I would suggest you cut and paste it into this link…if the link is not playing nicely, simply Google ‘Google translate’ and cut/paste as before.

Do let us know how you get on…

This is an incredibly useful thread for someone in my position - spouse of an EU citizen. Thanks to all contributors.

I understand that a translated marriage certificate isn’t legally a requirement, but that it’s probably wise to have one. The person recommended in the thread for translation work is in the Landes.
Does anyone have a recommendation for someone to do this work in the Lot? I worry about sending the original in the post - or should I trust the French postal system. Would a translation be valid indefinitely - assuming the original is valid of course.

Same here the information and experiences are invaluable.

Lol though its disappointing to read Geoffreys experience bearing in mind i too had read a cds for EU spouse is free or should cost no more than for a French national.

Still forewarned is forearmed as they say.