Carte de Sejour for child reaching 18

I’m hoping someone will point me to some existing threads that I couldn’t find by searching :roll_eyes:

Some friends who moved here with their family have their CdS (WARP) cards but their daughter is now 18 and needs her own and is getting conflicting advice about how to achieve this and is getting nowhere. I’m sure there’s been a lot of reasonably recent discussion on this but can I find them?

All pointers gratefully received!

Apply at her préfecture 2 months before turning 18, and insist on it being under the Withdrawal Agreement : L’accord de retrait Brexit - Article 50 TUE

This préfecture has a formulaire, but most don’t.

FORMULAIRE BREXIT (1).pdf (507.7 KB)


I’ve had a look on the Prefecture website for the Manche prefecture and they do have one but it’s broader ranging than is applicable to her and I’ve no idea how she could fill it in.

Fill in what she can and do covering letter?

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I shall suggest that! Thank you @JaneJones

Good luck! I´ve been trying to get an appointment for 18 months, I even wrote to the MOI and had a chocolate teapot reply. We have just given up and are filling in the forms for his nationality.

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