Carte vitale documents

If you have an S1 social charges are payable on investment income and bank interest but at a lower rate of 7.5%. They are also payable on any UK rental income but the tax credit is higher.

Precisely, and on french rental/gîte earnings. So love to know how (other) Jane has avoided this?

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My OH has an S1 as he’s in receipt of a UK State pension. ( I’m covered by his S1.). However we pay social contributions at 15.5% on investment interest. The french impots are informed on every tax return that he has an S1 so is he being overcharged?

Joyce, seriously, I would suggest you go and speak with your Local Income Tax Office. Take your bumpf with you to explain what your income is all about - and ask them why you are being charged whatever the sum is…:thinking::thinking::thinking:

Each person’s situation is very individual and on a forum one can only give a general guide.

In my opinion, it is better to get personally-tailored advice from the horse’s mouth.

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Yes, Stella, I fully intend to as soon as I return from holiday. If this is the case then he’s due quite a sizeable refund :crossed_fingers:t2:

This is what my accountant told me
“You will have noticed I am sure that the social charge on investments is considerably less than previous years this is because at long last the French Authorities have accepted that anyone not receiving healthcare direct from France should not pay into the health service, therefore you are now exempt from the CRDS/CSG element of this charge, so in the future you will only pay the “prelevement solidarite” element which this year was 7.5% on investments.”