Castex announcement tonight 17/12 and 27/12

Ce qu’il faut retenir des annonces du 17 décembre 2021

  • Le pass sanitaire va devenir un pass vaccinal (un projet de loi va être proposé) : seule la vaccination permettra le pass. (So will be proposing laws in January that mean you can only get a pass if vaccinated, not if you have had a positive test, or have recovered from Covid or any of the other reasons)
  • Les sanctions vont être alourdies en cas de faux pass. Fine of 135 -750€ if you are caught with one, increasing to €3,750 /6 months in prison if caught three times in a month and up to 5 years in prison and €75k fine for trafficking them.
  • La troisième dose de rappel autorisée à partir de 4 mois seulement (dès le 3 janvier) après la dernière injection
  • Des restrictions pour les gens qui voyagent depuis la Grande-Bretagne
  • Les grands rassemblements sur la voie publique en France seront interdits pendant les fêtes

Tout comprendre au Vaccin

Thanks Jane.

Thanks Jane, at least I now know that my pass is still valid until 15 January as it is a bug in the TousAntiCovid app.
This means my pass shows up as invalid from the 15 Dec, but the TAC Verif app has been updated and shows my pass as valid now, they just need to update the TousAntiCovid app to do the same, something to do with a bug in some of the French 2D-DOC coding.
At least I can go to a restaurant now :laughing:

you can surely print out your Pass Sanitaire… paper is always acceptable

The Pass Sanitaire code when scanned came up as inactive, as far as they were concerned the J&J vaccination was inactive from the 13th Dec not the 15th January.

On reading the article, it seems that the Ameli site has been issuing PS with the european QR code… great!!

Whereas some Passes given by other means (or perhaps just early ones not updated), have carried the 2D-DOC … and herein lies the problem…

Hopefully the situation is rectified… but (as always) I keep a close eye on Ameli and they’ve never let me down (yet)… my paper pass is safely in my bag.

folk can get their QR code at the link…

There also seems to be a problem with any vaccination certificate that had to be re issued like mine, the QR codes were not scanning either, mine was re issued 3 weeks ago and still does not work on the TousAntiCovid app and didn’t on the TAC Verif app until the update yesterday, I couldn’t go into a restaurant on Tuesday.

Seems you are destined to eat at home… which will save lots of money…

all joking apart… this must be frustrating.

But, thank heavens you are vaccinated… even if you can’t prove it at the moment.

Very much anti the non-vaccinated……nothing that hadn’t been signalled last week. No curfew on New Year’s Eve.

Pass sanitaire becomes pass vaccinal - necessary in restos, cafés etc from 15 jan

Increased fines for false passes

Limit of 2,000 inside and 5,000 outside for events

Ceremonie de vœux annulé

Table service in restaurant and cafés, all concerts must be seated

Schools going back as planned. Testing in schools enhanced (I think, stopped listening at that point)

Telétravail where possible for next three weeks

France has given away more vaccines than all but two other countries…

Can get a booster after 3 months now.

Reunion and Martinique in a state of emergency